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18th Amendment Play Essay

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18th Amendment Play By: Albert, Spencer, Finnigan, and Dennis Dennis-President /Finnigan- Bartender /Albert-Cop Spencer- Citizen
Dennis- It was 1919 when a law came into place that forbid the transportation, sale, and manufacture of anything containing above .5% of alcohol.

Spencer- *sitting down on chair* time to listen to the good old radio and see if that volstead act is really going to happen or the babies were just blubbering for no reason. *turns on radio**takes drink of water*

Dennis - *Through radio* We have put long and great thought in the volstead act. This act will stop people who are drunk and will stop violence caused by legal intoxicating drinks.

Spencer - OH NO MY EEL JUICE, I CAN'T DRINK YOU ANYMORE! Why Does america have to be so cruel. I’ll bop someone for my liquor it's my life. …show more content…
Finnigan- Hello Charles, I haven't seen you in a while.

Spencer- Yeah, I know. Did you hear about the amendment thats coming in to place? They’re crazy I tell you they’re crazy!

Finnigan- Yeah I hope my business doesn’t get shut down. Anyways what would you like today?

Spencer- I’ll take some Pabst Blue Ribbon.(Past Pabst Blue Ribbon)

Finnigan- It’ll be right up….* puts water bottle on desk* Anything to eat?

Spencer- Nothing to eat I am planning to tip a few though.

Finnigan- Ok that’ll be a sawbuck…..*Spencer hands finnigan the money* Thank you.

Spencer- And (Finnigan) George, Let's start a tab while we are at it.

Finnigan- You got it Charles!

Albert- HEY, WHAT’S GOING ON HERE? HAVEN'T YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NEW LAW. Hey bartender, take a bounce. (cop talks to the spencer when bartender leave) YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE BUYING ANY KIND OF

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