Premium Essay

19 Rules


Submitted By zohaibdhukka
Words 2681
Pages 11

Rules of Typography

1. Use Classical Typeface 2. Use Maximum Two Types of Typefaces 3. Use Typefaces that are Different in Form 4. Use Upper and Lower Case Letters 5. Use an Average Point Size for Text Type 6. Use Minimum Type Sizes and Weights 7. Use Text Types of Book Weight 8. Use Typefaces of Medium Width 9. Use Consistent Letter and Word Spacing 10. Use Appropriate Line Lengths 11. Use Line Spacing that is Readable 12. Use Flush Left Type Alignment 13. Create Effective Rags 14. Clearly Indicate Paragraphs 15. Avoid Widows and Orphans 16. Emphasize Elements within the text 17. Never distort the Type 18. Align Letters and Word on the Baseline 19. Use Maximum Contrasts between the Type and the Background 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 Rules of Typography

Use Classical Typeface
For optimum legibility, choose classical, time-tested typefaces. These typefaces should be drawn and crafted with consistency among characters, and exhibit highly legible proportions. Examples include: Baskerville, Bembo, Bodoni, Caslon, Centaur, Franklin Gothic, Frutiger, Futura, Garamond, Gill Sans, Goudy Old Style, Helvetica, News Gothic, Palatino, Perpetua, Sabon, Times New Roman, and Universe.





19 Rules of Typography


Use Maximum Two Typefaces
Be mindful not to use too many different typefaces at any one time. The main reason for using more than one typeface is to create emphasis or to separate one part of the text from another. When too many different typefaces are used, the reader is unable to determine what is and what is not important.





19 Rules of Typography


Use Typefaces that are Different in Form
Avoid combining typefaces

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Badminton and Basketball

...| | HOT NEWS... Just Released - NEW Badminton Training Program, Is it Any Good? Read All About it Here | | Basic Badminton RulesLearn the Basic Badminton Rules and you can start to enjoy the game. | Of course if you intend to play competitively, it's important that you know all of the badminton rules. For social and leisure purposes, I think this will do. Introduction Before the 2006 Thomas/ Uber Cup, the official scoring format was the 15 points format. The IBF (International Badminton Federation) then tested a new scoring format which is the 21 points rally format in the 2006 Thomas/Uber Cup. This 21 points rally format has since become the official one replacing the 15 points format. 15 Points Format There are a lot of people who still prefer the old format. So I have listed down the basic badminton rules for this format here if you have this preference. - To win a match, you have to win 2 out of 3 games. - To win a game, you have to score 15 points for men and 11 points for women. - If the score becomes 14-all (10-all in women's singles), the side which first scored 14 (10) shall exercise the choice to continue the game to 15 (11) points or to 'set' the game to 17 (13) points. - If you win a rally in which your opposition served, you win back the service rights. - Only the serving side can add a point to its score. - You score a point when your opponent could not return the shuttle or the shuttle he/she returns fall out of bounds. - In...

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