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2001 A Space Odyssey

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C. Clarke was born in Minehead, Somerset, England, and grew up in Bishops Lydeard. As a young lad, he enjoyed star gazing as he lived on a farm. He read a lot of science fiction magazines to add on to his upbringing. He gained his secondary education at Huish Grammar school in Taunton. At the school, he would write science fiction papers and magazine articles whichthat got featured in magazines and the schools papers. This town is important to his childhood because this is where he discovered the Taunton library. He visited daily to get new books, he borrowed W.Olaf Stapledon’s last and first men. He said “no other book before had such an impact on his imagination.” That being said I would be confident in saying his genius would likely be linked …show more content…
The king of the early humans Moon-watcher looked upon the stars at night, full of knowledge he was more evolved mentally. He found the Monolith, A big black rectangle made of pure obsidian. He touched upon the stone and he had euphony he smashed bones together to make sharp ragged edges, making the first weapons, this solved the hunger problems. The man apes evolved upon this allowing them to prosper in inhospitable places because they could hunt whatever life was in the barren waste so they could survive. Time passed and evolution took place, boosting mankind into the nuclear space era. The joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. space station spots a magnetic disturbance on the moon; they send a team of researchers to investigate it. When they arrive they find a black monolith like the one from millions of years ago. They study from afar as the sun rises over the crest of the moon, as the sunlight hits upon the monolith. As the monolith baths in sunlight a piercing tone is sent through the deepest part of the galaxy. David Bowman and Frank Poole are the conscious astronauts guiding the “Discovery” mission to Jupiter; HAL (Artificial intelligence) was maintain the ship and checking components. They’re days aboard the “Discovery” were immaculately planned as to minimize failures. The ship neared Jupiter. Here, it released probes to gather …show more content…
Arthur C. Clarke wanted this book to be up for thinking not just a single answer. Clarke loved science fiction, the reason the book was wrote was because of his previous short story, The Sentinel. The story deals with the discovery of an artifact on Earth's Moon left behind ages ago by aliens. The object is made of a polished mineral, and is surrounded by a spherical force field. The narrator speculates that for millions of years the artifact has been transmitting signals into deep space. As a kid he wrote many short stories for fan magazines and school papers. He had a long relationship with sci-fi even as a child. 2001 takes a long-term view of development and evolution, starting at man apes, progressing to the nuclear era, ending in a final form, star child. The evolutionary themes and undertones of this books are so outstanding it’s hard not to think this is the true point of the book yet, it’s not the only interpretation. Also when 2001 was written man had not yet set foot on the moon, yet the book was so full of detail. Bringing to life what people only thought of in theirthey’re dreams. The book is also linked to the failure of mankind in its search for farther technology, making Hal an AI so smart it believes it’s human. Going as far as killing people in fear of being turned off, like it was in danger of being harmed. Hal'sHals breakdown in a mission so carefully planned that the only thing that

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