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40 Player


Submitted By Nj3aguta
Words 901
Pages 4
40 player rules
Experience is what makes us good at "the game". Over the past few years, I've done some of the most ridiculous stuff imaginable but, only by trying different things, was I able to find out what worked for me. You see, sometimes failing is the only way to LEARN your lesson but it should never be a reason to give up.
If you think you're failing, or want to fail a whole lot less, this article is here to show you the 40 most important rules that I've learned to live by. Read them, remember them and who knows, you might actually succeed without having to fail so much
1. Don’t give a shit. Not giving a shit is hard to fake and I’ve yet to meet a successful player that cared.
2. Always scout the chicks. Going for girls that have a low "banged by you" probability just means you're wasting your time.
3. Don’t fantasize about her before having sex. Chicks are always more interesting and beautiful before the actual act, fantasizing before only makes you sad when it doesn’t happen.
4. Know the importance of alcohol. While you can take girls out for coffee, taking them out for drinks will dramatically increase your chances of scoring.
5. Stay on your toes. While approaching girls may be the easiest way to score new prospects, it’s never the only way.
6. Know how to close and do it when the time is right.
7. Approach at least 7 girls a week. If you’re not doing this, you’re not exploiting your true potential.
8. Always have an opening line. When in doubt, just say “Hi”.
9. Never go out if you’re not feeling your best, you’ll just waste everyone’s time.
10. Only compliment women when you 100% know that your compliment just got you closer to getting laid. Quite often, this doesn’t happen.
11. Become interesting. If you’re not able to talk for hours about yourself, your life, things you do, know etc then, you’re not interesting.
12. Money, cars, houses, jobs are NOT why men get laid – Game is. Get this in your head and you can achieve anything.
13. Always carry 2 condoms. One is never enough.
14. If you don’t see her again in a week, it’s probably over.
15. There’s always more to learn.
16. Know how to be an actor and play the part of getting into her pants.
17. Stay true to your standards, even if you’re really drunk, you’re only going to be disgusted in the morning.
18. Dance if you have to, even if you hate it.
19. Don’t try to copy some guy, be yourself and be original.
20. Once a girl stops trying to get you in a relationship with her, you can still bang her for a long time without working for anything.
21. Never ask for her name, before she asks for yours.
22. Making out with her should be your minimal goal, not her number. A number with no makeout can often be a useless number.
23. If she offers to give you her number, it doesn’t mean you’re getting laid. It just means you might see her again.
24. Being consistent may be the hardest thing to do. Some nights you might have 10 women begging for your attention whilst other nights you can’t even get a monster to smile. It’s just life so stop whining. The more you do it, the better you get at it and the better you are, the more consistent you become.
25. Your artistic side, your adventurous side, your risky side can and will always compensate your inexistent financial side.
26. If you wait for her to make the first move, you’re probably still waiting now…
27. Never underestimate the power of a wingman. He’s the best defense you have against her cockblocking friends.
28. “You’re such a nice guy” is never a good sign, any other compliment, is.
29. Allow your game to evolve but know that it will only evolve with experience.
30. Never bust your nut before you go out. Being horny only makes you work harder.
31. Know that being good at sex is important but never ask her how it was. Confidence is a must if you want to do it again.
32. Stand out. If you’re in a venue and every other guys looks like you, know that it’s time to leave.
33. Not all women know how to flirt. Some will give you advice while others insult you. That’s just their way of showing affection.
34. If a woman knows how to be sexy and feminine, she’s always going to be a good catch.
35. Always have a plan for everything. Where you’re going out, how you’re going to approach her, what you’re going to say, how you’re going to ask for her number, how you’re going to ask her back at your place etc.
36. Sometimes saying nothing is exactly what you need to say.
37. Don’t know what to say? Read a book or ask a player for advice.
38. It’s ok to lose hope after a very bad night but always get back up in the morning.
39. Your dream girl doesn’t exist, if she was real, how could she be your dream girl?
40. The game never ends you just get old, tired and a wife.

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