Premium Essay

A Better Choice


Submitted By taeluv1200
Words 424
Pages 2
A Better Choice s ETH/316
Wednesday 13,2013

“Each year, more than 208 million pregnancies occur worldwide; 185 million occur in the developing world alone. Worldwide, almost two in five women who become pregnant have either an abortion or an unplanned birth. About 6.7 million pregnancies occur in the United States each year. Nearly two-thirds of all pregnancies result in live births and about one-fifth in abortion; the remainder end in miscarriage. Nearly half of all U.S. pregnancies are unintended (49%); about 43% of these end in abortion” (Gutmacher Institution, 2013). A Better Choice helps women in the Wichita, KS area who are faced with unintended pregnancies that need help or guidance with the pregnancy.
Founded in 1993, A Better Choice is a Catholic crisis pregnancy resource center, serving women of all ages and socio-economic levels who are struggling with the fear and uncertainty of an unplanned pregnancy. A Better Choice offers counseling and support that is compassionate, non-judgmental, and based on the teachings of the Catholic Church. Whether a woman has many issues to work through or needs a kind ear and encouraging word, A Better Choice is dedicated to serving the mother, her baby and family with Christ-like dignity and respect. (A Better Choice, 2013)
A Better Choice makes and made a choice to be around because of the need of women. They see the struggle women have as far as not being financially, emotionally or physically ready to raise a baby. Some women are faced with the decisions of abortions. A Better Choice gives the facts and risks of having an abortion. ABC tries to encourage the women to adopt rather than end a pregnancy with an abortion. This particular organization does have a social initiative. They are trying to help women in need of help/guidance with pregnancy, rather planned or unplanned. ABC wants to prevent abortions and

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