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A Briefer History of Time Review


Submitted By david787
Words 905
Pages 4
A Briefer history of Time Steven hawking with Leonard Mlodinow Bantam Books (2005) Pages 1-60
A Briefer History of Time is a book aimed at explaining our universe It was written by Steven Hawking, and as the title suggests is a 'briefer' version of the original book. Steven hawking is incredibly famous for his contributions to the world of physics, this was all achieved while constantly battling a motor neurone disease. His first book a brief history of time was incredibly successful but many people found it to be too complex and some key concepts were hard to understand, Thus this version was released. Its aim is to make the difficult scientific theory's more accessible to the general public.
The book is an attempt to explain everything we know, or think we know about the universe and cosmology. The first few chapters of the book are aimed at explaining the basics of physics and how it has progressed over time, It goes on to talk about Newton's laws and explain what a scientific theory is. This is a great move by the authors because it helps to explain the complex material by first going through the foundations of physics, this in turn makes the book far more accessible to the public . This is perfect as the book is aimed at ordinary people with an interest in science. The language used in the book is fairly technical but has been simplified to make the book easier to understand, this has been done well because they haven't made it patronising. The style of explanation really opens up the theory's to everyone, for example they have used cleaver metaphors such as ping pong balls and trains, this is topped off with interesting and sometimes humours pictures to help you visualise what is being described, this also helps to break up the chapters so you aren't drowned in theory's and technical terms.

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