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A Christmas Carol


Submitted By srcatcg345
Words 441
Pages 2
How does Dickens use language and Imagery to show that Scrooge's desire for wealth has affected his character and Behaviour and that of the people around him? 'A Christmas Carol' written in 1843. It was the first of five short Christmas books written and published by Charles Dickens. 'A Christmas Carol' was the most successful novel in the series. Soon after its publication, all of the copies were sold. Since its publication, the story has been sold in a variety of forms. 'A Christmas Carol' has been adapted for stage, radio, movies and television; however, the book remains the most popular telling of the tale. The book 'A Christmas Carol' is not simply a book about Christmas. Charles Dickens used the theme where people are sensitive to philanthropy- (loving your fellow man) and generosity so it had universal appeal. Charles Dickens wrote the novel because he wanted to publicise the plight that the poor suffered; the story bore extreme relevance in it's time and he embodied his philosophy that we should love our fellow man in his work. This is very poignant in a Christmas Carol as Scrooge adapts into a character who learns that he can still love his fellow man. This concept is summed up in the book when it says that 'if a man's spirit does not walk around the earth in life it is condemned to do so in death.
'Belle breaks their arrangement, one which was made when he was a poor man because 'Another idol has displaced me'. She thinks she is no longer as important to Scrooge as she had once been. "What Idol has displaced you?' He rejoined... A golden one" In other words she is saying that she can no longer marry him as he is more interested in money. She has seen him evolve: "I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until the master-passion, Gain, engrosses you." Scrooge has been consumed by his greed and Belle has watched it become his first passion,

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