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A Comparison of Theorist


Submitted By rwalkermason
Words 1324
Pages 6
A Comparison of Theorists
Many of the greatest theorists of the past decade have helped form the foundation of knowledge. In this paper, this writer will compare two of the most talented theorists of the time. Abraham Maslow and B.F. Skinner are just two of the many theorists that have formed the organization in today’s classrooms. This paper will address the differences in the theories and the similarities. It will describe how each theory can be implemented in the learning environment of an early childhood classroom. Lastly, it will describe each theory that will be compared supported by research.
Comparison of two Theories
Operant Behavior Conditioning of Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990)
BF Skinner renowned for his theory of Operant Behavior (Maslow and Skinner: n.d.). He is known for, his leadership in the field behavior modification through conditioning. This states that behavior is affected by the consequence that follows the behavior. This is a practice teachers, utilize in the classrooms every day as part of the classroom management process: if the behavior of the child or children is unacceptable, the consequence will not be favorable. If the behavior is positive, the consequences will also be positive. Really, Skinner's theory states that good behavior is reinforced while bad behavior is reprimanded (Maslow and Skinner, n.d.). Ultimately, Skinner believed that in order to change behavior there had to be a positive stimulus to reinforce that behavior.
Added onto this is the theory of Operant Conditioning. This states that not only is good behavior being rewarded, but the subject (person or animal) can learn to manipulate the system by continuing the positive behavior so that reinforcement is consistently given. A response that is reinforced is more likely to occur again than if it is not reinforced at all Maslow and Skinner: n.d.).

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