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A Father's Love For His Son Analysis

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The first video, entitled “A Father’s Love For His Son” erupted a large range of emotions upon watching it and I am forever moved by it. I have seen it multiple times and am never less than impressed each time. Even though their son, Rick, was born with Cerebral Palsy, and would never able to walk or talk (without he assistance from the “hope machine”) his parents ignored the doctor’s suggestion that he be institutionalized, and instead gave him the opportunities to live life to the absolute fullest by understanding him on a level that doctors couldn’t comprehend. The team of Rick and Dick Hoyt is incredibly inspirational and it makes me reevaluate how I cater to my children and shows me that there is so much more than a diagnosis to those children who live with the same disorder as well as many others. I believe that is half of the reason this video is important to our classroom, it clearly shows that when children are given the chance and the support they may need, they can accomplish more than anyone originally gave them credit for. Even though parents provide these children with a majority of this, as their educator we can provide them with encouragement …show more content…
Furthermore, I never realized that that statistic of 13 million students being bullied in a year was a reality. As a parent, I know how terrifying it is to think of your child being bullied at school but so far have been lucky enough not to have to deal with it first hand, and my heart breaks for those parents who have lost their children to such behavior. I found that the administrators reaction to the parent who went to their office to bring the situation to light to be unsettling. Every report should be investigated further than just have someone sit in on a bus ride as students will obviously act different when they are

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