Premium Essay

A Killer Day


Submitted By Nzingha
Words 1534
Pages 7
Nzingha TaHa
February 22, 2016
Creative Nonfiction
Dr. Monika Elbert

The Killer Day

The day started off like any other school day, I cried my heart out. I hated getting up in the morning to prepare for school. I cried brushing my teeth, washing my face, putting on my clothes, and while eating breakfast. I hated the idea of not being able to lay in bed until I was ready to get up. I guess I can blame that on my mom. When I was much smaller my mom used to work nights, when she would come home we would play, listen to music and laugh until we fell asleep. We would awaken when we got good and ready; I thought that was the life. Although some of that changed once she returned to school, my body could not adjust. No matter how early I would go to sleep I never want to get up early.
The ride to school was nothing special, it was very quiet rides. Often times I would soak up the scenery. I was always amazed at the trees and the kids walking down Grove Street. I knew where they were going because most of us where in the same class but, I would just watch them as if it was new to me. As my mom pulled up I couldn’t wait to get out of the car, I had no time to give her my sweet goodbyes. I would run to my friends so we could catch up before we entered the building. Once we got to the big red doors, we knew it was time to get serious. So we laughed, gossiped, exchanged snacks and quickly entered the building. No one wanted to be late to class. If you were late to class you would have to go to the office and get a note, your mom/dad would be called and when you got home you would have to explain why you were late. It was a process none of us elementary school students liked. So we made it our business to get to class and settled in by the time the second bell wrong.
As the second bell rung and we patiently waited to get our day started I could hardly wait. I loved

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