Premium Essay

A Short Story Of Lyanna's Attacks: A Narrative Fiction

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Words 1723
Pages 7
It began with a series of Earth-shattering screams that shook the witches’ home to its foundation. They poured in like pissed off fire ants ready to dismantle whatever it was that had disturbed their nest, only their attack wasn’t in response to any affront, they were the aggressors—the invaders. Cera had remained on the outskirts of her property, the first to Liam’s defense and ready to bear the brunt of the onslaught head-on. Efficiently, and with lightning speed she tore through scores of demons as they descended upon Mount Harrison. Lyanna defended the child at her granddaughter’s six, taking the back side of the property. She moved like an apparition, effortlessly, and without even a slight disturbance of the air. The low-level demons stood no chance as they were forced to play the game out in the inferior human bodies to which they were born. Still, they had the …show more content…
The witch struggled as she pulled her putrefied corpse from the mirror. The image of the beautiful and youthful, auburn-haired Gothic girl that had once occupied the mirror’s domain had now become a distant memory before Alex’s eyes. She was replaced by Katelyn’s true form, a berated and battered corpse of a dead girl nearly six years isolated in the ground. Katelyn groaned, and uttered terrifying sounds as she tried to speak, but her words came out suffocated and indecipherable. She dragged herself with her lower half still partially in the mirror up to Evan and the demon woman who he stilled struggled with subduing. With shaky bone-creaking hands Katelyn reached out, grabbing the demon on either side of her head. From her spot behind the sofa, even through all the smoke, Alex could make out the sinew and the addled flesh of Katelyn’s once delicate hands as they gripped hold of the

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