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A Tablet Is Still Not a Book


Submitted By cindoiy
Words 1591
Pages 7
Tablets should not replace books in the future at school because in long-term it will cause a lot of health problems, lead to unwanted behaviors, and students who read from textbook will understand more than those who are not.

Paragraph 2:
1. Topic Sentence: First of all, it has been clear that the radiation which electronic devices produce will cause various health problems
2. Supporting Points * Students will face Computer Vision Syndrome risks * Carcinogenic risk will haunt the students’ health
Paragraph 3 1. Topic Sentence: Furthermore, tablets will lead to unwanted behaviors in class 2. Supporting Points * Students can easily cheat * There are too many distractions for classroom use
Paragraph 4 1. Counter Arguments: a. Those who are in favor of Tablets may argue that students can learn more material than using textbooks b. They also said tablets have infinite technological features that can be used for more effective teaching method. 2. Rebuttals: c. It has been proved that students who read from textbook will comprehend more than those who read from digital devices. d. Study shows that Tablet shifts focus of learning from teacher to


Concluding Sentence: At last, even though many people may put their believe in the advances of technology, they should admit that the little-bit-old-fashioned-style of learning is more effective than using tablet

A Tablet is Still Not a Book
We all know that now we are living in a live surrounded with such technologies in every aspect of our life from the biggest to smallest things. Big thanks to technologies for making our daily life become so much easier than it was. Don’t you realize that our future is now in front of our eyes? Like cars that can drive itself or robots that can clean houses. Even now we have application that can help us to avoid traffic jams on the road. Many impossible things in the past have become reality now. Advance technology nowadays also give mass contributions to learning systems. As tablets have become more prevalent, some people believe that schools should switch from printed textbooks to digital textbooks on tablets and e-readers. Although it may seem more convenient, it holds a lot of unexposed long-term impacts. Tablets should not replace books in the future at school because in long-term it will cause a lot of health problems, lead to unwanted behaviors, and students who read from textbook will understand more than those who do not.
First of all, it has been clear that the radiation that electronic devices produce will cause various health problems such computer vision syndromes and carcinogenic risks. According to the American Optometric Association, if someone spends two hours or more in front of digital media screen each day, he or she will be at big risk of Computer Vision Syndrome including eyes strain, headache, and repetitive muscle strains. This occurs because digital devices screen is mostly held close to the eyes causing eyes strain as their eyes shift in and out of focus to view pixilated images on the screens. Then some people also do not blink their eyes, or maybe they forget to blink when using tablets that surely will make eyes dry and irritated. Some of the symptoms experienced are only temporary. However some individuals experienced continuous reduction of visual abilities such as blurred distance vision even though after stop working in front of computer screens. And also it is not a secret anymore if electronic devices form electromagnetic fields. Many people do not notice or underestimate this radiation fields because it has been a very normal thing since people now are holding electronic devices in their hand everywhere they go. But there is some early evidence that electromagnetic fields can do harm, particularly wireless communication forms of radiation. Studies show that radiation from cellphones can damage DNA in the brain, and it gives more risks of DNA damage if the cellphones are held near the head. A study also published in Antioxidants and Redox Signaling found that people who reported long-term cellphone use had significantly higher oxidative stress in saliva samples. Also In 2011, the World Health Organization classified EMFs as potential carcinogens. This studies use adults as their object and the effect should not be underestimated. Moreover, Tablets are literally cellphones in much bigger in size, and every time a tablet refreshes a web page it produces wireless radiation signals. Can you imagine if students at school are absorbing such amount of electromagnetic fields everyday? How much exposure of radiation that students have to bear everyday? Don’t people think such risks that students will face? They are still too young to live in such amount of radiation everyday, and too young to face such health risks in the future.
Furthermore, tablets will lead to unwanted behaviors in class. According to clarified research, 99% of Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers agreed that “the internet enables students to access a wider range of resources than would otherwise be available,” and 65% of them agree that “the internet makes today’s students more self-sufficient researchers.” No wonder if students become more lazy and tend to cheat because students can avoid reading and analyzing texts since they can quickly look up passages in a e-textbook or internet. Not only that, tablet also make students easily switch applications to have their own business in the applications like mails, games or maybe social media in class rather than listening to the teacher. “Four-fifths of students aged 8 - 18 multitask while using digital media”, Gasser and Palfrey said. This is worrisome because this kind of multitasking slows the students down on their homework and studies. If these habit keep occurs, it will surely lead to lower grade and performances in school.
Moreover, those who are in favor of Tablets may argue that students can learn more material than using textbooks since technological-based instruction can increase the learning efficiency. However, a research says that 60% teachers agree that today’s technologies make it harder for students to find credible sources of information. No wonder since information spreading is too overwhelming nowadays and internet is not designed to filter which information is appropriate or not. Dillon also found that reading from a computer screen are 20-30% slower than reading from papers. How can Tablet pros said using e-books increases efficiency while the students are reading more materials with slower pace than on books? Of course it will cut down the efficiency of learning. They also said tablets have infinite technological features that can be used for more effective teaching method while actually Hansen showed that student participant took significantly longer to answer question online than on paper. And also 71% of teachers rate their students as fair or poor in their ability to recognize bias in online content. It means that working or reading on physical paper is more effective because they can comprehend more. “In a sense, the page is scrolled without incident, infinite and limitless, which can be dizzying. On the other hand, printed books give physical reference points, which can be particularly helpful in recalling how far along in the book we are, something that’s more challenging to assess on an e-book”, Lorien Crow said in 2012. Nicholas Carr’s study also proved that reading hyper-linked text increases the brain's "cognitive load," lowering the ability to process, store, and retain information, or "translate the new material into conceptual knowledge." By his statement, it is clear that book wins the game. This proves that learning tablets are not helping, but burdens the learning and teaching system.
Digital devices which was born by advanced technologies may help humans to overcome their limitations and problems that they face, but that doesn’t mean technology is humans’ ‘can-never-be-wrong’ solution in everything. It is because everything has consequences and technology also has that. The major example is the radiation that electronic devices produce. If books will really be replaced by tablets in the future, it will surely give the opposite results from the expectation since it will reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. At last, even though many people may put their believe in the advances of technology, they should admit that the little-bit-old-fashioned-style of learning is more reliable than using tablet.


American Optometric Association. Computer Vision Syndrome [Online] Available from: Accessed April 21st 2015

Lanir, Lensey. 2012. Digital Information Overload Overwhelms and Distracts Students. [Online] Available from Accessed 22nd April 2015

Relaxnews, AFP. 2012. iPads and tablets may cause eye problems or ‘computer vision syndrome’ [Online] Accessed April 21st 2015 Crow, Lorien. 2012. Are E-Books Bad for Your Memory? . [Online] Available from: Accessed 22nd April 2015
Noyes, Jan M. and Kate J. Garland. 2008. Computer- vs. paper-based tasks: Are they equivalent?. [Online] Available from: . Accessed 21st April 2015.
Eliaz, Isaac. 2013. Are Ipads Safe?.[Online] Available from: Accessed 21st April 2015

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