Free Essay

A Vampire


Submitted By Kitty707
Words 1776
Pages 8
The footsteps got closer and I started to run. The forest was dark but I could see my house in the distance, if I could just keep running I could make it home. Just as I reached my house, I smashed into what seemed like body at high speed.

“Fuck, that hurt.” I whispered as I rubbed head, it felt like I had ran straight into a wall. My head was stinging and I stumbled backwards before a pair of ice-cold hands held me just where my crop top stopped.

The person covered my mouth in order to stop me from screaming, I tried to bite him but it felt like I had just bitten a stone. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me towards further into the woods. It was as if I was weightless to the person.

“If you scream, you’ll regret it.” He said in a cold voice. I didn’t try to scream or resist, I was afraid the person would hurt me. He walked for a while with no trouble; we entered a dark house that looked abandoned.

Oh, I was going to die here, I thought.

He carried me into what looked like a sitting room; he placed me down, turned on the dim lighting and walked towards me. I moved backwards, until my back hit a wall. I cast a longing glance towards the door he had just closed.

“Oh, sweetheart. You don’t even want to consider it.” He said in a, raspy, deep and seductive voice.

“What do you want from me?” I asked stupidly, I shouldn’t have said anything.

“It’s simple…” He began to move closer to me and my heart skipped a beat, I didn’t bother taking his profile details, all I wanted was to escape. He put his cold, calloused hands on my face and started caressing it.

My breathing became heavier, he closed his eyes and leaned in, I took that as my opportunity, I shoved him as hard as I could and sprinted out the door.


Party all the time.

Normally, I hated parties, but I had to attend this one. All my friends were going and I needed a break from my sister and her endless rambling on about Vampires being real.

Yes, my sister believed that vampires existed and every time I visited her, she kept making me watch Vampire diaries to make theories. I needed to have a night out with my friends.

Immediately I spotted my friends in the crowded club, I joined them. We danced and drank the night away. The club became even busier as the night progressed; the club was full of numerous heavily intoxicated teenagers.

Not that having random people grinding on me wasn’t fun, partying wasn’t my thing. After a few minutes, I felt like I was being watched. That was when I noticed an extremely attractive male making his way in my direction. A shy smile took over my face and played with my beaded necklace.

The cute male stopped his tracks; his vision darted to a spot over my shoulder.

I should have known he wasn’t looking at me, I thought as I rolled my eyes at myself. Out of curiosity I spun around to see which girl he was looking at and to my surprise, I saw no one. That was strange.

I decided that it was time for me to go home. “Hey, I found you. I’m going home.” I said as I gave them hugs.

“Don’t run into a Vampire.” Kelsey said.

“Ha-ha, very funny.” I replied sarcastically and proceeded to walk out of the crowed club. It was already dark and I hated the dark so I hastily elbowed my way through warm bodies until I found the exit.

Immediately, I was outside in the fresh air I made the choice to walk home. It wasn’t a far walk, if I cut through the forest. The moon shone high up in the clouds, lighting the path I needed to use perfectly.

As I walked along the nature trail, I heard the sound of a trig snapping in half and I jumped. I gasped when I heard rattling in the bushes around me, it was probably just the wind but I was still scared.

The rattling sound became louder and my heart rate escalated. Soon a bunny rabbit hoped out of one of the bushes and I sighed. Relief washed over me and I continued to walk home, it was too late to turn back.

“Attack of the killer bunny rabbit.” I muttered as I rolled my eyes internally. As I walked further into the woods, I became increasingly paranoid. At some point, I even thought I heard a giggle and footsteps, but I chose to ignore it, or at least tried to ignore it.

This time when I heard footsteps, I knew I wasn’t just making it up. The footsteps got closer and I started to run. The forest was dark but I could see my house in the distance, if I could just keep running I could make it home. Just as I reached my house, I smashed into what seemed like body at high speed.

“Fuck, that hurt.” I whispered as I rubbed head, it felt like I had ran straight into a wall. My head was stinging and I stumbled backwards before a pair of ice-cold hands held me just where my crop top stopped.

The person covered my mouth in order to stop me from screaming, I tried to bite him but it felt like I had just bitten a stone. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me towards further into woods. It was as if I was weightless to him

“If you scream, you’ll regret it.” He said in a cold voice. I didn’t try to scream or resist, I was afraid the person would hurt me. He walked for a while with no trouble; we entered a dark house that looked abandoned.

Oh, I was going to die here, I thought. Stop that, Katy.

He carried me into what looked like a sitting room; he placed me down, turned on the dim lighting and walked towards me. I moved backwards, until my back hit a wall. I cast a longing glance towards the door he had just closed.

“Oh, sweetheart. You don’t even want to consider it.” He said in a, raspy, deep and seductive voice.

“What do you want from me?” I asked stupidly, I shouldn’t have said anything.

“It’s simple…” He began to move closer to me and my heart skipped a beat, I didn’t bother taking his profile details, all I wanted was to escape. He put his cold, calloused hands on my face and started caressing it.

My breathing became heavier, he closed his eyes and leaned in, I took that as my opportunity, I shoved him as hard as I could and sprinted out the door. Just as I had got off the porch, I almost hit into his body again, and I stopped in my tracks.

What the hell? He was just behind me! I could have sworn he was right behind me, I thought as I stood in the night cold night air.

He was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen; in the house, I wasn’t really paying attention to his beauty. He slowly played with his golden locks and I watched every single move. His blue eyes with green specks watched me intently and I stared back. He had flawless, pale white skin and he a slightly muscular body.

I imagined what it would feel like to have that muscular body grind on me. Hello? He kidnapped you, are you freaking crazy? Stop that Katie.

A smirk crept onto his perfectly chiseled face; the moonlight perfectly illuminated his features making him look even more beautiful. “Where were you going?”

“What do you want from me?” He laughed and placed his hands on my shoulder blades. I was to scared, to move so I just stood still, he leant down and kissed my neck. A shiver ran down my spine. He slowly ran his wet tongue up my neck and lightly nibbled my neck. I felt two sharp objects lightly graze my skin.

This was a dream, had to be. Wake up Katie, just wake up, it quickly became my mantra but nothing changed. I was still standing outside, with a… vampire. This was a dream, a nightmare; anything, but it just couldn’t be real.

This went against every belief I had, there was no way this was real, it couldn’t be real. There was no way Jasmine was right about something. Vampires didn’t exist and she was playing with me. Yes, that was what this was. A game.

“Look, please take off your fake fangs and leave me the hell alone.”

“Love, these aren’t fake.” He said, flashy me a toothy grin with his fangs in display.

“Oh my god,” I breathed out in shock, those fangs weren’t fake, this wasn’t a dream, this wasn’t a game and Kasey was right about something. It was the apocalypse.

“So, what am I?” He prompted, what was this twilight?

“Vampire…” I breathed out. “Are you going to drink my blood and kill me?”

“I was, but I don’t want to do that anymore.”

“What? Why? Are you going to torture me?” He laughed and picked me up effortlessly and he started running. The trees whipped past me as we moved, the air swirled around making it hard for me to breathe, I clutched on to his shirt and groaned. He moved so fast that it stunned me.

He set me down on a porch, it looked familiar and then I realized why. It was my porch. I looked up and him and my eyebrows shot up. “W- why do you know where I live.”

He smirked at me, “Do you really want to know, love?” I glared at him and crossed my arms. “I’m a vampire darling.” With that, he was gone, just like that. He was there one moment and gone the next. I stumbled into my little shack of a house and got ready for bed.

In the morning everything would be okay, everything would be normal. Normal hadn’t crashed and burned just yet for me, there was still hope. Maybe, somebody slipped some a drug into the water she had at the club. Yes, that made sense, which had to be the answer.

I laid in my bed and looked at the ceiling, “A vampire…” I muttered trailing off before I finally fell asleep.

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