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A Vision of Students Today


Submitted By tsl1599
Words 538
Pages 3
After watching the video, “A Vision of Students Today”, I noticed a lot of the messages that were in the video did relate to me, especially about being so busy that we don’t have much time to finish everything we have to do in one day. For example, by saying we sleep seven hours per night, do homework for 3 hours, work 2 hours a day, and so on, it showed that we spend a total of 26.5 hours per day of just doing everyday normal things; that blew my mind. I mean, how can that be since there are only 24 hours in a day? When the video was done showing all the signs of the different things we do everyday, it stated that the only way we can do all of these is because we are multi-taskers. I know that I absolutely have to multi-task in order to get all of my everyday things accomplished such as going to class, spending time doing homework and studying, working, and eating. This in time will cause a lot of mental and physical stress on us. One reason why I am able to accomplish my daily goals, such as to go to class and do all of my homework, is that I use and take advantage of the technology in which I have access. Do I think that technology can save education? Absolutely! Technology gives us that opportunity to multi-task that we absolutely need in order to fit everything into our schedule. With technology, we can use the Internet to do most, if not all of the research needed in order to complete our assignments given by our teachers in a much shorter time period than spending countless hours in the library searching for the information we need to complete our assignments. Technology also helps students and professors, in our case, by having Moodle to keep us updated on our class assignments and grades. I personally think that technology makes everyone’s educational experience much easier. Although technology is a huge benefit to have on an educational standpoint, we do use it excessively to a point where we actually depend on it. In today’s society, we depend on technology to help us get our work done, such as using computers and the Internet for work and school. But what if there is no computer around or if we don’t have Internet access and have an assignment that’s due that afternoon and we haven’t even started. We tend to use technology as an escape so we can procrastinate from doing our work until the very last moment. Another example of how we use technology excessively, in our personal lives, is that we stay inside and not move around as much. What do I mean by that? Most of the time we’d rather stay inside and play on the computer or play our video games instead of going outside and getting exercise, which we desperately need as college students to relieve most of the stress that occurs. So technically you could say that if we use technology excessively, it could hurt us on an educational standpoint and a physical standpoint.

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