Premium Essay

Abortion Is Wrong


Submitted By ktrussell39
Words 616
Pages 3
Babies Lives Matter
Kristen Trussell
Medtech College
Instructor Bouzouma
25 January 2016

Abortion has become a highly discussed topic in our country from people believing its right and others believing its wrong. Annually, an estimated 43.8 million babies die from abortion worldwide (World Health Organization/Guttmacher Institute, published 2012). That is approximately one baby being aborted every two seconds
In many states, abortion has been banned after 16 weeks of pregnancy and many doctors will not perform an abortion unless of a medical reason. Some small clinics such as Planned Parenthood will perform these abortions. When going to these clinics there are pro-life and pro-choice groups usually standing out front with signs. Pro-life groups favor greater restrictions on abortion. They argue that a fetus is a human being with the right to live, so abortion is murder. Pro-choice groups argue that a woman has certain reproductive rights especially the right to choose whether to carry a fetus or not. My own is that I think if there is nothing wrong with the fetus when the woman goes to her ultrasound appointments and nothing shows up and there’s no medical problems with the woman then she should keep it.
One of the most common reasons a woman chooses to abort is because they want to delay a pregnancy because they are too young. However, in some cases a woman becomes pregnant from being rapped and decides to abort the baby. They do not want to live with the reminder of the rape so keeping the baby would be too hard for them. I do see the reasoning behind this, but I still believe that they could love the child and not regret their decision to keep it. According to two doctors who conducted one study, Sandra Kathleen Mahkorn, M.D. and William V. Dolan, M.D. revealed that 78% of the 30% of women who had abortions after their rapes felt that they had made

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