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Acca P7


Submitted By zhangwenjie
Words 1693
Pages 7
ACCA Exam Technique Articles

ACCA P7 Exam technique
( see also the section on general exam technique )

put very simply, the way to approach the P7 exam is to “read, plan, read again and then write” ‣ ‣ ‣ work on the principle that each valid, relevant point that you make will score a mark and the more valid points you make, the more marks you will score! common sense? I should say so!

“But the pass rate percentage can be down in the low 30s. If the large majority of my contemporaries are employed by accounting / auditing rms, why is the pass rate so low? And what chance do I have - I have absolutely no auditing experience at all?” ‣ around 70% - 75% of your contemporaries are employed by audit rms. Yet there is a pass rate in the low 30s. Does this not tell you that, even if no non-auditors were to pass, the majority of those with auditing experience still fail? there have to be some underlying reasons for this!

I personally believe that there are a number of contributory factors including, in no particular sequence:

not reading the question carefully enough and therefore failing to address the question requirements knowing too much and therefore misallocating their time failing to write the obvious points - because they are so obvious reluctance on the part of non-natural-English-speaking students to write enough points

when I was a student my own audit manager ( big 4 rm ) managed to fail the audit exam!

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ACCA Exam Technique Articles

the solution?

• • • •

read the questions carefully and make sure you fully appreciate what the question is asking plan your answers re-read and ask yourself “If I write down in answer form what I have planned, will that answer the

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