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Submitted By Aishawork
Words 388
Pages 2
* erm papers follow four different formats. The APA style (American Psychological Association) places citations of information within a text rather than in footnotes. The MLA style (Modern Language Association of America) gives guidelines on how to cite sources throughout the paper, giving many rules and guidelines. The Chicago style, devised more than a century ago, is a leading reference for both writers and publishers, world-wide, and uses simple direct language. The Turabian format has become the standard style for term papers, using simple language that's direct.
* After choosing a topic, research for information and material, gathering notes. Next devise an outline for the paper and write a first draft. Next edit your paper to make sure it's written as correctly as possible, checking for spelling and grammatical errors. Finally, run the text through a reliable plagiarism chec *

Read more : paper and write a first draft. Next edit your paper to make sure it's written as correctly as possible, checking for spelling and grammatical errors. Finally, run the text through a reliable plagiarism checker to ensure it's free of plagiarism.
* Readers and word count are two important considerations. Will your readers expect more technical detail or will it be read by more creative people? If there's a limit on the number of words, don't get side-tracked and discover you're writing a book rather than a paper.
* Wait a day or two to edit your paper. Then read it the way you would assume your professor would read it, looking for any portions that should not be included.
Take out as much clutter as possible, only including what's necessary.
* Don't procrastinate starting your paper. The sooner you start, the better your paper will be as you'll have plenty of time to rewrite and edit it without panicking because you're running out of time.
Don't use dated sources more than 20 years old, unless your paper is intended to examine older writings, using a historical viewpoint.
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