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Submitted By farazt
Words 338
Pages 2
This is obviously a face to face conversation because adams is addressing people directly and this is a form of verbal communication because words are used to transform ideas. People are chanting and showing their excitement like they understand each and every word. Adams is using the terms which can be understood by everyone. In other words, he is really acting and behaving like he is from one of them. There are some jargons used in this clip like Pork packers, rump wrappers and bull shippers which are obviously well understood by the people. Also we see colloquialism in this clip because it looks like familiar conversation when Adams uses phrases like you know, we packers have been taking a bad rap for years, Yeah! - I'm proud of my meat! And I know you're proud of your meat! and Whip it, zip it and send it out! From these phrases it looks like Adams is familiar of those people.

The tone and volume of Adams’ voice proves that he is very excited and wants to achieve something from this conversation. From the crowd’s reaction, looks like he is succeeded.

People in the crowd are active listeners. They are concentrating on the sender and what’s he saying. They are very enthusiastic and energetic which shows that Patch is talking about their interest. They are obviously acknowledging Patch when he says that now is the time for cow! And the crowd begins to chant Eat cow! Eat cow!

As far as Hurier model is concerned, people in this clip are hearing and paying attention to Adams. They are understanding too what was being said. They are remembering a message when Patch says “you know, we packers have been taking a bad rap for years.” This message is the basis of this conversation. They are Interpreting the value of this message by acknowledging Patch. They are evaluating too because by their response, it looks like they really believe Patch and finally they are responding in appositive manner to Patch Adams.

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