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Adult Fetus Heart

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The major structural differences between an adult and fetus heart is that the fetus utilizes shunts such as the ductus venosus, the ductus arteriosus, and foramen ovale for their blood flow. While an adult uses the aortic valve, pulmonary valve, tricuspid and bicuspid valves for their blood flow. For adults’ blood flow starts in the right atrium with deoxygenated blood and continues to the tricuspid valve and reaches the right ventricle. From the right ventricle, it enters the pulmonary valve traveling to the pulmonary trunk and arteries. The blood then moves to the pulmonary capillaries, once it is there it loses CO2 and gains O2. The flow of the blood continues its journey into the pulmonary veins the blood is now oxygenated. The blood enters …show more content…
Pulmonary circulation is reduced in the fetus because it is receiving its oxygen from the mother because it does not breathe on its own. The vital signs or symptoms that the twins exhibit are that they were born blue, Brianna fingertips and lips reminded blue after she was born which is known as cyanosis. Cyanosis is bluish discoloration of the skin due to poor blood circulation or not enough oxygenation of the blood. I would be alarmed that Brianna has cyanosis and not Christopher because it is not normal for one twin to have it and not the other. A symptom of cyanosis is dyspnea or difficulty breathing. Brianna will go through spells where she is deprived of oxygen this will result in dyspnea and an increase of a blue tint to her skin. The rapid breathing is a sign that her body is trying to compensate for the lack of oxygenated blood and is trying to bring her body back to homeostasis. Here are some possible diagnosis for Brianna. Congenital heart defect symptoms include heart murmur, breathing problems, cyanosis, and fatigue. Cyanotic congenital heart disease symptoms are low birth weight, cyanosis, rapid breathing rapid heart rate, abnormal heart rhythms, and fatigue. Transposition of the greater vessels some symptoms may include cyanosis, shortness of breath, poor feeding, and rapid breathing. Truncus arteriosus is another possible diagnosis symptoms are cyanosis, dyspnea, poor feeding, lethargy, and …show more content…
As for Brianna, she has developed a cough, a heart murmur, and a heart rate of 160. The lub sound is produced by blood turbulence related to the closure of the Atrioventricular valve (AV) right after the ventricular valve systole begins. The dub sound is caused by the closing of the semilunar valve (SV). A heart murmur is ongoing it is heard between or after a normal heart sound it may also mask the normal heart sound. Murmurs have different sounds and they can be correlated to different problems which are measured by a grade. New possible diagnosis are congenital heart defect symptoms include heart murmur, breathing problems, cyanosis, and fatigue. Another possible diagnosis is cyanotic congenital heart disease symptoms are low birth weight, cyanosis, rapid breathing rapid heart rate, abnormal heart rhythms, and fatigue. The tests that I would run on Brianna are echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, pulse oximetry, and cardiac catheterization.
Brianna has developed new symptoms and they are as followed; cyanotic fingertips and lips, heart rate of 160, her heart is making a lub whir dub sound, her blood pressure is 85/55, arterial PO2 is 100, she is lethargic and sleepy, her breathing is heavy, rapid, and congested, and she is disinterested in

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