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Adversity Research Paper

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When adversity is thrown into life at the most unexpected moments, people react differently. Some exceptional people can make all the little things that are difficult seem so minor. They can see things not everyone can. Narcissistic perspectives of first world societies can often blur the big picture. We get so caught up in the little things that everything going on around us can become corrupt in the blink of an eye.

This past summer I travelled to Ecuador for two weeks with a charity group called Me to We. I had known of the group since middle school and was a part of my schools Me to We Club for four years. Over those years I helped our school raise over $20,000 to go towards building a village in India. I decided it was time to take …show more content…
I didn’t get much sleep as I had to catch a flight to Toronto at 6:00am; and the fact that I was headed to another hemisphere without my parents to keep me organized and in check. After arriving in Toronto, our group of 25 kids and 2 adults commenced on our mission to Quito, Ecuador. After touring the city, it was time to venture deep into the Amazon jungle. An estimated 8 hour bus ride expanded itself to 12 hours due to two large landslides on the winding mountain road. Traditional dancing and celebratory music awaited us in the small community of Hatun Urko. Although a barrier of language stood between myself and the rest of the community, it wasn’t hard to quickly form bonds. After our welcoming ceremony we began construction on the school. Long hard hours under the blazing heat of the Amazonian sun were not simple to undergo. Hand sifting gravel into sand, mixing heaps of cement and water with shovels, laying hundreds of bricks to precise measurement. None of these tasks were easy feats, and it was hard sometimes to see the reward that would come of …show more content…
Then, I found a sense of calmness. I recalled the actions of the young boy in Hatun Urko who found happiness in giving. Although Richard faced the harsh reality of poverty everyday, he managed to never stop smiling. You see now, Richard had an amazing gift. He was able to see the big picture. The big picture that has become so clustered and so narcissistic in our Country that we have not a clue what it is. To Richard, community was the big picture. He allowed me to find this sense of community, when I believed that it had become completely demolished by corrupt perspectives of right and

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