Premium Essay

Aes Value


Submitted By ariesmi971
Words 1100
Pages 5
AES Corporation operates from a strong foundation of shared values in providing clean and reliable energy. AES was accustomed to fulfilling one of four shared values, being socially responsible, by adhering to an environmental view of providing clean energy through the implementation of high technology and off-set programs. During the project in Orissa, India, AES may have missed an opportunity in creating synergies between all four values – act with integrity, be fair, have fun and be socially responsible, by addressing collective needs of the local community.

AES’s Values
AES Corporation should be commended for its strong commitment to its shared values and principles of integrity, fairness, fun working environment and social responsibility. AES’s business model does recognize the necessity of delivering solid financial performances to fund its operations around the world while integrating socially responsible policies. To remain true to its values and principles, AES management needs to discern best solutions for greater impact to benefit the community; continue delivering favorable results to its shareholders, and provide employees with the conditions to grow professionally and prosper.
AES’s commitment to social responsibilities is admirable. It's a model to the business world of the importance of giving back in some way to the community and being a steward of the environment. As stated in the case study, AES was focused on providing the best technology to eliminate harmful particles from being released in the air such as, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrous Oxide (NOX) and other particulates. Furthermore, in 1989 AES responded to the potential hazards of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) with an off-setting program of planting trees. However, the enterprise in India presented them with diverse challenges that required different approach.
The coal

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