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Affordable Retirement Home in Japan


Submitted By skaer
Words 2704
Pages 11
We chose to introduce our retirement home service in the country of Japan. The Japanese market is very distinct from other markets around the world. There is a large difference in tradition, culture, and marketing capabilities for each generation. Members of the younger generation are influenced by the most recent fads and trends, while the older generations are much more traditional and conservative. This gives our organization an opportunity to develop and market our product with the older generation as well as the younger generation individually. In addition, due to Marie’s personal and business knowledge of Japan and Japanese culture, we have a great deal of resources which can be used throughout the course of this project.
The business we have selected is that of an affordable retirement home option for the elderly in Japan. Traditionally, the eldest son has been given the task of taking care of the parents in their old age. More recently, however, this task has fallen to those outside the family due to the rise in small businesses which provide these services. The problem with these services is that the elderly rarely receive care more than once or twice a week for a few hours at a time; the high cost of services discourage people from requesting more time. We believe that we can create an affordable establishment by building the retirement home in the countryside and hiring caretakers from outside Japan through a worker exchange program. Government subsidies may also be provided, as the institution benefits a majority of the population. We have researched the country factors, competition and market opportunity and performed SWOT analysis. In addition, we present our business objectives and strategic trust, tactics to use and measurement of results of what we believe would be a very successful global business strategy plan for affordable retirement

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