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Age Restriction In The NBA

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Letting kids play in a professional league a year removed from having to ask to use the restroom sounds a little ridiculous. The NBA has set an age restriction to enter the league at 19 years old in 2006(Rossen, Jordan Michael. "NBA's Age Minimum and Its Effect on High School Phenoms, The." Va. Sports & Ent. LJ 8 (2008). Although there was no former restriction, this approach in drafting players still appeares to be too young. Former players have said the quality of play in the NBA has taken a toll as more college freshman elect to forgo the rest of their college careers and enter the NBA draft. Not only has the quality of play suffered in the NBA but in the NCAA as well as more of heavily scouted players head towards the draft. There has also been problems with players getting released from the NBA that have not acquired their bachelor's degree. However there could be a problem with high school phenoms not choosing to go to college at all but play overseas. This is why The NBA and its potential employess would benefit from restricting domestic players from entering before the age of 21. The NBA is a professional league making roughly $5 billion dollars and is comprised of the top basketball players in the world(Mitchell, VyShaey. "Will NBA Players go to …show more content…
However , these statistics to not take into the account that player development is one of the most important aspects in preventing injury. Many players are given the highly qualified trainers to make them less injury prone. These players can take what there taught from the collegiate level to prolongate their careers into the proffessional level(Duda, Joan L., Linda K. Olson, and Thomas J. Templin. "The relationship of task and ego orientation to sportsmanship attitudes and the perceived legitimacy of injurious acts." Research quarterly for exercise and sport 62.1 (1991):

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