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Submitted By hareef
Words 489
Pages 2
SWOT Analysis of AKB48 Strengths * Unique identity: “idol you can meet” * Non-zero Sum Game * Fulfill the segmentation of market * Successful marketing strategy:“General elective” * Nationwide: “National idol” * Strong loyal customer * A full range of communication channels * Price fixing on CDs | Weaknesses * No recruiting of English-speaking girls * Less promotion in the international market | Opportunities * Booming of Japan’s music industry * Anti- Piracy law in Japan * Emerging market in Asia Pacific region: Indonesia, Taiwan, and China | Threats * High competition in the market from K-Pop and Johny & Associates boy band factory. * Development of digital music market |

Strength: Now, AKB48 is one of the successful brands in Japan music industry. So far, it has done many successful marketing strategies. Its unique identity put itself to the great position in the market. Therefore, by using a full range of communication channels such as a social network, its own theater and events, AKB48 made many strong loyal customers who made a competitive advantage for the brand.
Weakness: Since AKB48 is the Japanese brand that mostly focuses on the domestic market so that it does not provide or promote an international marketing strategy, it might have a poor competitive advantage on international market. Meanwhile, K-Pop is strongly promoting the international marketing and also competing in Japanese market.
Opportunity: In the present, the Japan’s music industry is booming because the Anti-Piracy legislation had passed and obsessive collectors inflated the market. Moreover, the trend of Japanese idol girl group is very booming in many Asia Pacific countries so that society is open for the unique girl group bands.
Threat: There is a high competition in the music industry so that the company has competitors from both

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