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Alarm Fatigue


Submitted By cneil333
Words 643
Pages 3
Combating Alarm Fatigue: A Matter of Life and Death

Alarm Fatigue

Nurses, especially in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), use information from a multitude of medical devices, particularly cardiac monitors, to guide them in providing care for their patients. Unfortunately, due to the frequency of unnecessary and false alarms, the devices that are meant to help nurses actually can do the opposite. Alarm fatigue can develop when a nurse is frequently exposed to an unnecessary number of alarms. "This situation can result in sensory overload, which may cause the person to become desensitized to the alarms" (Sendelbach & Jepsen, 2013. p.1). All nurses need to be aware of this important safety issue and institute practices to reduce the number of unnecessary and false alarms.

History of Topic Over the last 60 years, many advances in clinical alarms and technology were put in place "to notify staff of equipment malfunctions or changes in patient condition" (Hannibal, 2011. p.418). In March 2012, a 17 year old girl sustained an anoxic brain injury and later died after the recovery room nurses failed to recognize and intervene when her respiratory condition and vital signs declined. This was because the alarms "were not properly set and was muted" ("Teen's death", 2013 p.61). "According to The Joint Commission's Sentinel Event database, hospitals voluntarily reported 80 deaths and 13 severe injuries that occurred between January 2009 and June 2012" ("The Joint Commission:," 2013). An article in the journal, Nursing 2013, states "the FDA received 566 reports of alarm-related patient deaths between January 2005 and June 2010" ("Don't give in," 2013).

Current Impact of Topic On April 8, 2013, The Joint Commission (TJC) issued sentinel event alert number 50, entitled "Medical Device Alarm Safety in Hospitals". It serves to make healthcare professionals aware of this potential patient safety concern. The Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) is also focusing a great deal of attention on the issue. In May 2013, the AACN issued a practice alert that describes the scope of the problem and suggests strategies to decrease alarm fatigue and improve the safety of patients. Healthcare consumers are also becoming more aware of the issue, as these incidents are making national headlines.
The Journal of Nursing Care Quality recently published the research article "Daily Electrode Change and Effect on Cardiac Monitor Alarms: An Evidence-Based Practice Approach". The study describes how the nurses at one hospital were able to decrease alarms by 46% simply by ensuring good skin preparation before applying the electrodes and implementing the daily practice of changing the electrodes. (Cvach, Biggs, Rothwell, & Charles-Hudson, 2013). (Sendelbach & Jepsen, 2013) (Sendelbach & Jepsen, 2013)
First and foremost, nurses have a duty to "do no harm". By researching best practices regarding alarm fatigue, nurses can ensure they will be able to recognize and intervene when the condition of the patient is deteriorating, something the medical devices were put in place to do. These devices will become helpful to nurses; not a constant source of annoyance.


(2013). Don't give in to alarm fatigue. Nursing 2013, 43(7), 29. Teen's death, $6 million settlement put the spotlight on alarm fatigue. (2013). Same-Day Surgery, 37(6), 61-64. Cvach, M., Biggs, M., Rothwell, K., & Charles-Hudson, C. (2013). Daily electrode change and effect on cardiac monitor alarms: An evidence-based practice approach. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 28(3), 265-217. Hannibal, G. B. (2011). Monitor Alarms and Alarm Fatigue. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 22(4), 418-420. doi:10.1097/NCI.0b013e318232ed55 Sendelbach, S., & Jepsen, S. (2013, May). AACN practice alert: Alarm management. Retrieved from (Cvach, Biggs, Rothwell, & Charles-Hudson, 2013)

The Joint Commission: Alarm Fatigue Can Be Deadly. (2013). AACN Bold Voices, 5(7), 7. (The Joint Commission, 2013)

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