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Submitted By 2014MBA
Words 3568
Pages 15
Aldus Corporation
A. Discuss Strong’s proposal to alter the positioning strategy for Aldus. Strong wants Aldus to increase its exposure in the business segment, as it stands Aldus is serving primarily the business segment, and with the business segment Aldus is neglecting to satisfy the needs of this segment completely. Strong feels that an independent division would have the ability to address and better focus on the business segments needs and concerns, as opposed to attempting to incorporate them into both the business and graphics professional program software, while not completely addressing any one segment.
I think that Strong’s proposal has merit but concur with the concerns of the sales and the marketing staff. The positive aspect of the proposal is that the business section appears to have adequate staffing. It is just a matter of positioning the Aldus PageMaker, in the minds of the “novice” business segment that the PageMaker is user friendly, and marketing the PageMaker to appeal to this market and training of the retailers, so they are more knowledgeable.
The professional graphic division has the potential to increase future earnings, through their reliance on technical support, which will bring in additional resources. Human resources are already in place for the most part in regards to the business division, along with the skill and knowledge, though it will present a challenge to the Aldus budget. The ability for financial gain is greater in the graphics professional segment, because of the continual need of this segment and the fact that organizations usually operate on contracts, and provide some consistent revenue along with the ability to charge a premium for the product, and the additional, expense of compatible software, along with professional technical support, that will be provided, so Aldus can compete with VARs.

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