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An Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacturing
郑联语 教授
机械工程及自动化学院 工业与制造系统工程系(720)
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1 制造工程的发展方向——计算机(现代)集成制造 2 制造自动化技术 刚性和柔性的制造自动化 3 制造工程中的 CAD/CAM技术 4 柔性制造系统(FMS) 5 计算机(现代)集成制造系统(CIMS)

北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

1 制造工程的发展方向——计算机(现代)集成制造
• 20世纪80年代,工业发达国家,相继启动高技术发展计划 – 美国,战略防御计划 – 法国,尤里卡(EURECA)计划 计划内容大体相似,集中在:电子信息、新材料、新能源、生物、新型 生产体系、宇航、海洋等几大方面。 • 1986年3月,我国提出实施高技术研究与发展计划(863计划) 七个领域: 生物工程; 电子信息技术; 激光技术; 航天技术; 自动化技术(包括计算机集成制造、智能机器人两个主题) 新能源; 新材料;

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• 计算机集成制造(CIM, Computer Integrated Manufacturing) (1)目标: 将企业内从产品构思到出厂的各个生产环节的所有活动都置 于计算机的统一管理控制之下,采用各种CAX技术,由网络和数据库建立 联系和资源共享,从而提高企业整体效益,达到综合自动化。 (2)企业效果:20多年来,先后有200多家企业(国内)实施了或正在实施 CIMS取得明显的经济效益和社会效益,同时也面临很大挑战与问题。 如90年代成都飞机、北京一机床、沈阳鼓风机、杭州汽轮机、郑州 纺织、广东华宝、重庆长安等。 (3)教育态势:欧美国家的重要理工科大学大都建立了与CIM有关的研 究所或实验室,大多数大学还开设了CIM相关技术的课程。 • CIM的技术基础是CAD/CAM, 将各种CAX有机集成。 本质是制造自动化。

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2 制造自动化技术
连续流水作业 自始至终流水作业 传感器用于监测或监控 应用综合控制与优化策略 全部实现计算机化的操作 组合机床和自动机床 自动传输装置 局部或全部自动化装配 机器人用于焊接、装配、喷漆 计算机过程监测或监控 数控机床(NC) 计算机数控(CNC) 直接数字控制(DNC) 自适应控制 机器人应用 柔性制造单元或系统(FMC/FMS) 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS) 数控机床(NC) 计算机数控(CNC)

刚性 自动化



柔性 自动化

北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

刚性自动化(Fixed Automation)
2.1 刚性自动化(Fixed Automation)——大批量生产自动化
简史: 19世纪70年代出现 (1873年第一台凸轮控制机床), 1940年后期进入成熟阶段 • 典型模式:美国底特律,福特(Ford)汽车生产线,节拍1辆/分(20年代) 称为福特模式。 长春一汽:奥迪52秒;捷达/宝来38秒(2003); • 生产形式: 按产品加工或装配过程依次安排设备,由物料运送装置连接起来, 按固定节拍和规定的加工顺序依次经过各个工序和工位。 • 特征: 初期投资高; 高生产率;低柔性(低适应性); • 应用场合: 单品种、大批量、工艺过程不变、 有严格的流水性和节拍 • 应用产品: 汽车、发动机、电机、轴承、 工具、标准件等 •
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柔性自动化(Flexible Automation)
2.2 柔性自动化(Flexible Automation)——中小批量生产自动化
背景:(1)需求多样化 ==〉多品种、中小批量==〉刚性自动化不适应 (2)微电子、计算机技术应用到制造领域==〉柔性自动化成为可能 典型模式: 单台数控加工 (Numerical Control)机床 (可编程自动化) 直接数控(Direct Numerical Control ,DNC)(群控) 柔性制造单元(Flexible Manufacturing Cell, FMC) 柔性制造系统(Flexible Manufacturing System, FMS) 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS) 特征: 高投资、中等生产率、高柔性(产品对象可变、工艺过程可变)

应用场合:多品种、中小批量; 形状复杂;精度高 应用产品: 飞机、发动机 、模具等
北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

3 制造工程中的 CAD/CAM技术
• 制造的含义与范畴 (1)狭义:通过机器进行产品制作或生产。 如机械加工过程,焊接过程,冲压过程等。 (2)广义:(CIRP,国际生产研究组织,1990) 一个涉及制造工业中产品设计、材料选择、生产计划、生产过程、 质量保证、经营管理、市场营销与服务的一系列相关活动与工作的总称。 包括产品的整个生命周期(Product Life Cycle)的过程。 • 概括性分为两大部分:CAD与CAM CAD(Computer Aided Design):用于产品设计过程的各个环节。 包括: 概念设计、总体设计、零部件设计、绘图(形成设计文档)。 CAM:用于产品制造过程中的工艺准备、过程控制、生产计划和管理 等各个环节。

北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

(1)计算机辅助概念设计(CACD, CA-Conceptual Design ) (2)计算机辅助几何造型(GM, Geometry Modelling) (3)计算机辅助工程分析(CAE, CA-Engineering) (4)计算机辅助绘图(CAD, CA-Drafting) (5)计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP, CA-Process Planning) (6)计算机辅助数控编程(NCP, Numerical Control Programming) (7)计算机辅助夹具设计(CAFD, CA-Fixture Design) (8)制造执行系统(MES,Manufacturing Execution System) MRP/MRPII ——制造系统仿真 (9)过程控制/监控(CNC,DNC,FMC,FMS,Robot) (10)计算机辅助质量控制(CAQ, CA-Quality )

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型式、外形、内饰、色彩 总体尺寸、总体布局

装配结构 零部件结构

空间干涉? 强度、重量? 抗振性? 耐热性?


产品 (飞机、汽车)


设计或定购 设备与工艺装备


检测 试验 产品制造过程 机加 冲压 焊接 装配 。。。


采购 原材料、零部件







北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

1. 计算机监控(直接应用) 监测(monitor) 控制(control) 计算机与生产过程之间有硬件接口相连,直接参与控制生产设备。 如传感器、A/D-D/A转换器等。 特征:在线(on-line)、加工现场 2. 支持性应用(间接应用) 计算机与生产过程之间没有硬件接口相连,不直接参与控制生产 设备。 起“助手”和“参谋”作用。 特征:离线(off-line)、技术办公室

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采用小型机,控制加工、 自动编程、安排生产计划、 管理生产状况 采用磁盘、光盘。 存储全部零件的NC程序


执行数控指令, 控制机床动作; 输入NC程序。

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三台 SGI工作站 (UGII软件)

五台 微机 (AutoCAD, Cimatron软件)


激光打印机 DNC(直接数控) Direct/Distributed Numerical Control

网络服务器 (共享EDBMS)
远程通信 调制解调器

绘图仪 集线器

无盘工作站 (PC机) RS-232 异步 通信 数控设备







三坐标测 量机

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演示: 日本 Mazak 汽车 发动机 壳体 FMC

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自动检验站 手工检验站 装卸站 控制中心 小车管理区

自动导引小车 备用停放区 CNC加工中心 北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授 自动切屑清除系统 零件清洗站



(机器视觉——机械臂运动导引) (精密测量)
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计算机辅助几何造型(GM) (1)
汽 车 的 车 身 与 发 动 机

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计算机辅助几何造型 (GM) (2)

汽 车 底 盘 的 转 向 节

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计算机辅助工程分析(CAE) (1)

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计算机辅助工程分析(CAE) (2)

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计算机辅助工程分析(CAE) (3)


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汽 车 底 盘 零 件 CAPP

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手工编程 自动编程 交互式编程

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工 装 实 例 树 综合工装配置求解 工 序 设 计 中 的 工 装 选 择
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计算机辅助质量控制/管理( CAQ)

控制图 测量数据

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DELMIA 系统质量保证模块-坐标测量机编程

CMM 演示

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北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

1 制造工程的发展方向——计算机(现代)集成制造 2 制造自动化技术 刚性和柔性的制造自动化 3 制造工程中的 CAD/CAM技术 4 柔性制造系统(FMS) 5 计算机(现代)集成制造系统(CIMS)

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3. FMS的定义 FMS是一种以数控机床、加工中心、机器人、自动导引小 车(AGV)等自动化设备为基础,在计算机控制和管理下 的的多品种、中小批量的自动化生产系统或单元,它兼有较 高的生产率和较高的柔性,能够适应品种和生产量的变化。

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主轴 刀具存储架 托盘


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自动检验站 手工检验站 装卸站 控制中心

自动导引小车 备用停放区

CNC加工中心 自动切屑清除系统 北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授


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FMS = CNC设备 + MHS + DSS MHS: Material Handling System (物料运储系统) DSS: Decision Support System (决策支持系统)


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1. 美国通用电气公司(GE)的电动机机座FMS (教材P198) 2. 英国罗-罗航空发动机公司的盘轴零件FMS; (36台,6个月,36人/班)==〉(16台,2个月,10人/班) 3. 意大利菲亚特(FIAT)公司的汽车装配FMS; 15亿美元,109台计算机,439个机器人,570辆AGV, 49个监测系统。 同一生产线同时生产不同型号的汽车,并可以根据市场或 顾客的需要,随时更换车型和产量。 4. 日本丰田汽车公司(Toyato)的柔性车体生产线; Flexible Body Line. 车型更换时间降为原来的1/5。

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1、CIMS的产生背景: (1) 技术有了坚实基础 加工过程自动化:NC, CNC,DNC, FMC,FMS, Robotics. 产品/工艺设计自动化: CAD, CAE, CAPP, NCP 生产管理自动化: MRP(材料需求计划), MRPII (制造资源计划) SFC(Shop Floor Control, 车间现场控制), IM(Inventory management, 库存管理) 上述单元技术形成了很多局部的“自动化独立岛” (Automatic Island), 需要综合起来,达到全局优化和综合自动化。 (2) 市场有了迫切要求 产品生命周期越来越短,产品型号与规格日益增多, 质量、价格、交货期的竞争越来越激烈。 要求建立响应多品种、小批量的动态多变的市场要求的先进/新型制造模 式
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2. CIMS的基本观点
1973年,美国的Harrinton(哈林顿)首次提出了CIMS的概念。 两个观点: (1) 企业各生产环节是不可分割的整体,需要紧密连接,统一考虑。 (系统工程观点) (2) 整个生产过程实质上是一个信息采集、传递和加工处理的过程,最 终形成的产品可以看成是数据的物质表现。 (信息流观点) 两个结论: (1) CIMS在功能上包含了一个企业的全部生产经营活动。 (2) CIMS涉及的自动化不是计算机或各个单元子系统自动化的简单相 加,而需要有机集成。 “物质(物料、设备)集成” + “信息集成” + “人的集成”
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3. CIMS的定义(中国863计划,1998) 将信息技术、现代管理技术和制造技术相结合,并应用 于企业产品全生命周期(从市场需求分析到最终报废处理) 的各个阶段。通过信息集成、过程优化和资源优化,实现 物流、信息流、价值流(资金流)的集成与优化运行,达 到人(组织、管理)、经营和技术三要素的集成。以加强 企业新产品开发的时间(T)、质量(Q)、成本(C)、 服务(S)和环境(E),从而提高企业的市场应变能力和 竞争能力。

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MIS: Management Information System 管理信息系 统

TIS: Technical Information System 技术信息系统

CAQ: CA Quality 质量管理系统

MAS: Manufacturing Automatic System 制造自动化系统 北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720)

郑联语 教授


1。采用各种自动化单元技术 2。依赖于强大的数据库和网络技术 3。强调提高企业的总体效益,最求全局优化 4。强调按系统观点进行设计、规划,分步实施 (复杂、投资 达、周期长、风险大) 开放式系统结构,自上而下设计,自下而上实施。 5。十分重视人的作用。(人的智能与软、硬件结合) “人件” : People-ware , Human-ware

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美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST),1986年建立了一个CIMS实验室, 称为自动化研究制造基地(AMRF,Automated Manufacturing Research Facilities) 我国科技部投资于1994年建成国内第一个CIMS工程研究中心(CIMERC, Engineering Research Center),设在清华大学精仪系。 (CIMS系统结构见教材图9-4) 20多年来,我国先后有200多家企业实施了或正在实施CIMS取得明显 的经济效益和社会效益。 如 成都飞机、北京一机床、沈阳鼓风机、杭州 汽轮机、郑州纺织、广东华宝、重庆长安等。  教育态势:欧美国家和我国的重要理工科大学大都建立了与CIM有关 的研究所或实验室,大多数大学还开设了CIM相关技术的课程。

北航 机械学院 工业与制造系统工程系 IMSE(720) 郑联语 教授

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All About Computer

...------------------------------------------------- Who is the father of the computer? There are hundreds of people who have major contributions to the field of computing. The following sections detail the primary founding fathers of computing, the computer, and the personal computer we all know and use today. Father of computing Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837. The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept. Unfortunately, because of funding issues this computer was never built while Charles Babbage was alive. However, in 1910 Henry Babbage, Charles Babbage's youngest son was able to complete a portion of the machine that could perform basic calculations. In 1991, the London Science Museum completed a working version of the Analytical Engine No 2. This version incorporated Babbage's refinements developed during the creation of the Analytical Engine. Although Babbage never completed his invention in his lifetime, his radical ideas and concepts of the computer are what make him the father of computing. Father of the computer There are several people who could be considered as the father of the computer including Alan Turing, John Atanasoff, and John von Neumann. However, for the purpose of this document we're going to be considering Konrad Zuse as the father of the computer with his development of the Z1, Z2...

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All About Computers

...Computer virus survey Within the last three years, how many times have you had your computer infected by viruses, spyware, Trojans, or any other type of computer malware? O Never O One time O Two times O Three times O More than three times Do you have a antivirus software installed on your computer? O Yes O No If so which antivirus software are you using? O AVG O Avast O McAfee O Other Do you update your antivirus software frequently? O Yes O No Computer virus survey Within the last three years, how many times have you had your computer infected by viruses, spyware, Trojans, or any other type of computer malware? O Never O One time O Two times O Three times O More than three times Do you have a antivirus software installed on your computer? O Yes O No If so which antivirus software are you using? O AVG O Avast O McAfee O Other Do you update your antivirus software frequently? O Yes O No Computer virus survey Within the last three years, how many times have you had your computer infected by viruses, spyware, Trojans, or any other type of computer malware? O Never O One time O Two times O Three times O More than three times Do you have a antivirus software installed on your computer? O Yes O No If so which antivirus software are you using? O AVG O Avast O McAfee O Other ...

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All About Eve

...Name: Joel Sanguinetti Title: All About Eve Year: 1950 Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Producer: Darryl F. Zanuck Three Performers: Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders Costume/Wardrobe: Edith Head, Charles LE Maire, Sam Benson, Josephine Brown, Ann Landers, Merle Williams Hair and Make-up: Ben Nye, Bunny Gardel, Franz Prehoda, Kay Reed, Gene Roemer, Gladys Witten Set and Stage Design: Thomas Little, Walter M. Scott Musical Score Composer: Alfred Newman Cinematographer/Photographer: Milton R. Krasner Screenplay: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Original Novel, Play, or Story: Mary Orr – The Wisdom of Eve Academy Awards (Oscars) Won: 1. Best Actor in a Supporting Role – George Sanders 2. Best Costume Design, Black-and-White – Edith Head & Charles LE Maire 3. Best Director – Joseph L. Mankiewicz 4. Best Picture – 20th Century Fox 5. Best Sound, Recording – 20th Century-Fox Sound Dept. 6. Best Writing, Screenplay – Joseph L. Mankiewicz Joel Sanguinetti Mr. Skillings English 101-B4N December 19, 2011 All About Theatre Theatre has evolved in many ways throughout history. Theatre goes back to the 6th century BCE and develops its origins from Greece. Around 1750, theatre was introduced to New York, and eventually became what we now know as Broadway theatre. All About Eve, directed and written by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, is a movie based on the novel The Wisdom of Eve, written by Mary Orr. All About Eve is a movie about Broadway theatre and the harsh...

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Steve Jobs

...Steve Jobs I am going to be telling you about a great man of our time. He was a great business man and inventor. He started from nothing and made it big. Steve Jobs is a hero for the whole world to look up to. He started out as an adopted child worked his way up to being a millionaire. When he was younger he liked the idea of building things and he was interested in computers. Over the years he tried many things and finally ended up going to college (Steve Jobs Encyclopedia Britannica). After a short time he dropped out, in my opinion a bad idea but it seemed to work out for him. He ended up sleeping on his friend’s floor and only had money from turning in bottles (all about Steve Steve Jobs finally found his calling when he was desperate for money. He took a job at Atari. He learned a lot from Nolan Bushnell the founder of Atari (all about Steve This is where he got his love for working on computers. He started his company with a friend Woz. To start building the computers that Woz had come up with they sold a VW Van and an hp 65 calculator (all about Steve Steve came up with the name Apple for the company’s name and they had a friend Ron Wayne help them set up the company. Their first customer was Paul Terrel and he bought 50 computers (all about Steve After that they started building the computers in Steve’s garage. They started selling them by them self and tried to sell to a company homebrew and got turned down...

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Cse 1001 learn about the amazing things you can make computers do along with that I learnt about the various programs that are being offered in the computer related field. The three lectures delivered during this year that really impressed me were computer graphics by Petro Faloutsos, computer vision and robotics by John Tsotsos and computer security by Hamzeh Roumani. The reason for choosing these three topics is because computer graphics has always been one of my main interests and this lecture gave me a chance to know more about simulation and animation. John Tsotsos talked about his research related to computer vision and robotics because of which I developed an interest in robots and last but not a lecture about computer security in which I learnt new stuff about cryptography. Animating virtual humans is a crucial element of interactive applications according to professor Petro Faloutsos. These applications include medicine, critical situation simulation and interactive applications. He also gave us a little information about his ongoing project on human simulation and modeling. He told us that if we want to simulate a virtual human with high fidelity, we would have to have a layered system which consists of motor control, coordinated level behaviors and expressive facial animations and also mentioned about designing hardware and software accelerators for the physics based simulation. The very talented Professor John told us that his research was based on computer vision...

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Characteristics Of Computer Memory

...A device used to save data and instructions which is computer memory. In binary form is the content of memory. In order to carry out all kinds of operations, memory offers input to the processors. Thus, the processors save the results into memory (World of Computing, 2013). The characteristic of computer memory which are electrical characteristics, the manufacturing technology of the device depend on the voltage and current requirements. It is not main concern of the voltage due to most of the semiconductor memory device manipulate at TTL voltage levels. In addition, speed also is the characteristic of computer memory. There is a limit time to delay between the usability of stabilize and accurate of the data on the data lines because of the...

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...The Effect of a Computer Simulation Activity versus a Hands-on Activity on Product Creativity in Technology Education Kurt Y. Michael Computer use in the classroom has become a popular method of instruction for many technology educators. This may be due to the fact that software programs have advanced beyond the early days of drill and practice instruction. With the introduction of the graphical user interface, increased processing speed, and affordability, computer use in education has finally come of age. Software designers are now able to design multidimensional educational programs that include high quality graphics, stereo sound, and real time interaction (Bilan, 1992). One area of noticeable improvement is computer simulations. Computer simulations are software programs that either replicate or mimic real world phenomena. If implemented correctly, computer simulations can help students learn about technological events and processes that may otherwise be unattainable due to cost, feasibility, or safety. Studies have shown that computer simulators can: 1. Be equally as effective as real life, hands-on laboratory experiences in teaching students scientific concepts (Choi and Gennaro, 1987). 2. Enhance the learning achievement levels of students (Betz, 1996). 3. Enhance the problem solving skills of students (Gokhale, 1996). 4. Foster peer interaction (Bilan, 1992). The educational benefits of computer simulations for learning are promising. Some researchers even suspect...

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...of Mac and Pc. Many people pick a computer based on what they are used for to and don’t find the computer that’s right for them. Others don’t find out the facts about each computer and just go with the cheapest because it’s cheap, even though they would be getting a cheap computer it can still be the wrong kind of computer for them, plus it wouldn’t work to their advantage. Before reading this you have to dismiss the ideas you had about Mac’s and Pc’s. If you put aside what you think you know about Pc, and Mac you will understand what computer is best for you. “Mac is a line of personal (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Inc. It was initially targeted mainly at the home, education, and creative professional markets. Since the introduction of the Macintosh, the computer has seen significant evolution now making it one of, if not the most powerful general-purpose computers on the market. It now targets the business, science, and law markets as well.” “Microsoft Windows is a series of graphical interface operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. Microsoft introduced an operating named Windows on November 20, 1985 as a graphical operating system shell for MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUI).[4] Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world’s computer market with over 90% market share, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984.” The most important part of both computer systems is the cold hard facts between...

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The Effects of Computer Game-Playing to the Academic Performance of High School Students

...Approval Sheet This thesis entitled “The Effects of Computer-Game Playing to the Academic Performance of the Grade 10 students of Don Bosco College – Basic Education Department High School Level School Year 2015-2016”, prepared and submitted by Syrell B. Almazan, Axl B. Cantil, Jorish B. Del Rosario, and Cyrihl C. Velasquez, in partial fulfillment of the requirements in English X, is hereby recommended for oral examination. Mr. Artell L. Almonte Subject Teacher Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _____. Mrs. Ma. Fatima A. Alarcon Mr. Joseph Christopher DT. Briana Member Member Mrs. Carolina B. Campos Ms. Vilma Rosa R. Dorado Member Member Mrs. Anita V. Maullion Mr. Wally A. Micosa Member Member Mr. Erbert V. dela Resma Chairman Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in English X. Rev. Fr. Regulus M. Porlucas, SDB Principal Date: __________ Acknowledgment Thanks to those teachers who helped us, especially Sir Erbert Dela Resma who gave the formula and Ma’am Joyce Bacuyag for helping us on how to compute the data. Also thanks to the aunt of Cyrihl Velasques for helping us on how to create a thesis Thank you. Dedication We dedicate this research to our Almighty Father for giving us strength in making this thesis. Next, to our beloved teachers and also to our classmates, the Grade 10 Caravario...

Words: 5914 - Pages: 24

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...Introduction to Computer Hardware In general, there is very little that you as a future manager need to know about computer hardware, other than some basic vocabulary. The key ideas we want to you understand about hardware are: * Computers are basically simple electronic devices. While what they do may seem magical, very little of the magic comes from the computer itself. In fact computers are limited in what they can do. * More of the magic comes from the software – the set of instructions that tell the computer how to process and display data (and we’ll talk more about that in the following classes). * Most of the magic comes from the way people use the information produced by the computer, and (most importantly) the way they recognize, manage, and overcome the limits of computer-based information. To understand and manage these limitations, you need to have a basic understanding of hardware and software. We can use the systems model (input-process-output) to categorize hardware. There are input devices (e.g., a keyboard) and output devices (e.g. a monitor). We also need to store intermediate and final results of computations, so we need data storage devices (e.g., hard drives). The process is represented by the “processing unit” of the computer (also called a Central Processing Unit or CPU). While it gets a little technical, it is worth understanding how a CPU works, because you need to understand that before you can understand how software works...

Words: 3050 - Pages: 13

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...Share this About Tech PC Support . . . Troubleshooting Guides Symptoms How To Fix a Computer That Turns On But Displays Nothing What To Do When Your Computer Starts but The Screen is Black By Tim Fisher PC Support Expert Share this PC Support Categories Troubleshooting Guides How-To's & Tutorials Getting Support Software Tools Hardware Tools Command Line Reference Parts of a Computer Cleaning & Cooling File Extensions Things You Didn't Know About... Computer Terms Other Resources Fix a Problem With Your Computer Maintaining Your Computer Tips & Tricks Updated Articles and Resources Free Email Newsletter Let send you the latest from our PC Support Expert. You can opt-out at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy for contact information. Photo of a Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24-Inch LED Monitor - © Dell, Inc. Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24-Inch LED Monitor. © Dell, Inc. The most common way that a computer "won't turn on" is when the PC actually does power on but doesn't display anything on the monitor. You see lights on the computer case, probably hear fans running from inside, and may even hear sounds, but nothing at all shows up on your screen. There are several possible reasons why your monitor isn't displaying information so it's very important that you step through an ordered process like the one I've outlined here. ...

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Uses of Computer

...Computers have brought about a revolution across all industries. They have changed the face of society. They are no longer specialized tools to be used by specially trained people. They are ubiquitous and used in almost every sphere of life. Computers are the best means for storage and management of data, they can serve as huge knowledge bases and can be harnessed for all sorts of financial transactions owing to their processing power and storage capacities. As computers are a daily utility, they have gained immense importance in day-to-day life. Their increasing utility has made computer education the need of the day. By computer education, we mean, gaining the know-how of the basic concepts related to a computer and gaining the basic knowledge of computer operation. Knowing about the basic components of a computer, the basic concepts behind the use of computers and the know-how of some of the elementary computer applications constitutes computer education. Learning about the computer basics followed by a practical experience of using a computer is the key to computer education. As computers are widely used today, acquiring computer education is the need of the day. Computers are not only storage devices and processing units, but also are excellent communication media. They are the means to access the Internet and get connected to the world. They are also an effective audio-visual media. Computers can be used to access a vast knowledge base and search for information archives...

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Cis 324

... WEEK 10 8/28/13 Explain computer ethics Computers are special technology and they raise some special ethical issues. In this essay I will discuss what makes computers different from other technology and how this difference makes a difference in ethical considerations. In particular, I want to characterize computer ethics and show why this emerging field is both intellectually interesting and enormously important. On my view, computer ethics is the analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such technology. I use the phrase "computer technology" because I take the subject matter of the field broadly to include computers and associated technology. For instance, I include concerns about software as well as hardware and concerns about networks connecting computers as well as computers themselves. A typical problem in computer ethics arises because there is a policy vacuum about how computer technology should be used. Computers provide us with new capabilities and these in turn give us new choices for action. Often, either no policies for conduct in these situations exist or existing policies seem inadequate. A central task of computer ethics is to determine what we should do in such cases, i.e., to formulate policies to guide our actions. Of course, some ethical situations confront us as individuals and some as a society. Computer ethics includes consideration of...

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Iwt1 Task 2

...Weird Al’s song “It’s All About the Pentiums”, the movie “Live Free or Die Hard” and the poem “Praise Song for the Day” by Elizabeth Alexander each have a common theme that relates to the computer industry in which describing the need to continually advance towards the future. The poem “Praise Song for the Day” was written by Elizabeth Alexander in 2009 as a tribute to President Obama’s inauguration. There is a lot of directions this poem can go, as far as whom it relates to. The main point is that people are here to help out each other. This is a song in the music industry provided by the artist Weird Al Yankovic. This song is a remix of the Puff Daddy song “It’s All About the Benjamins. This “nerdcore hip-hop” song was released on the album “Running with Scissors” in 1999. (Wikipedia, 2012) Lyrics to Weird Al - "It's All About the Pentiums" The action film Live Free or Die Hard was released in 2007 about computer hacking terrorist and the fight against them. Starring Bruce Willis as a NYPD Detective fighting alongside the FBI to stop the cyber attacks in the United States. (Wikipedia, 2012) Elizabeth Alexander, born in 1962, wrote the poem Praise Song for the Day in 2009 in regards to the Obama inauguration. She speaks about how people go about their normal daily business noticing each other. Everyone is fixing and/or creating something, all while talking with each other in different ways and thinking about what one has said. We...

Words: 2543 - Pages: 11

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Supply and Demand

...this paper I will choose to write about buying a computer. I will explain the factor that causes the supply and the demand in buying a certain computer. Next I will give two substitutes for the computer that could be used instead of this type of computer. I will give two complements about the type of computer and the programs that were on it. The last thing that will be written about is the necessity of my computer and the impact of the price elasticity. Decision Making When choosing to buy a computer I that it had to have certain programs on the computer so that I may get the task at hand completed. The First thing that was done was too decided in buying the computer is what kind did I want and need. What type of programs would I need on the computer and if the programs cost more than I had? These are just some of the factors that I had to decide on what computer that I really wanted and needed for the task that I had to do. The factor that I had to look at also was what they had at the store that I went to. The next factor that I had was to consider what all I was going to do with this computer. The actors that were shown to me is the different types of programs on each computer and how much each computer memory had. The last factor for the computers were was how long each warranty was so that I could get my money back if something went wrong. The last factor that I had to choose on was deciding the brand on the computer and if it was going to be wireless...

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