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American Haitian Relief Efforts and Flaws


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American Haitian Relief Efforts and Flaws
Emily Mayer
Ms. Malaney
RWS 100
9 November 2010 A horrific 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010; “As of January 20th the US military has 2,000 troops on the ground assisting now with another 2,000 airborne personal on the way there. An additional 9,500 personal are afloat standing by nearby.” (Haiti Earthquake Facts, 1). Meaning that within a little over one week the US had nearly 13,500 military personnel lending a hand, not to mention the extreme amounts of donations that were made as well. Based on his text, “ If You Rebuild It, They Will Come”, author Paul Shirley would disagree with the previously stated statistics. In his text, he strongly expresses the importance of limiting the relief for Haiti. He then continues to argue that it is harmful to give them the amount of relief we are putting forth. Extending Shirley’s argument, the article published in USA Today, “Help Haitians, but Don’t Throw Open U.S. Borders”, explores the process of bringing suffering Haitians to America for a better life. It argues the negatives to this proposal, suggesting it not only hurts Haiti, but America as well. In this essay I will analyze both texts and the arguments they make, exploring how the article published in USA Today extends Shirley’s, further proving, clarifying and backing his argument. In his article, Shirley expresses his opinion on the importance of limiting the relief in Haiti. He makes claims throughout his text suggesting that the US is giving too much time and overbearing effort, that we are being to controlling, “It simply does not work to give unconditionally. What might work is to teach.” (Shirley, 3) Shirley suggests that we as Americans do not continue to donate money and do all the work for the Haitians while rebuilding their nation. They cannot rely on the US perpetually and once we leave them to do it themselves, they will have no knowledge or experience to guide them towards success. They need to learn how to live on their own, in better conditions than they were living in prior to the earth quake. The only way for them to do this is to be taught how by a country, like America, who has experience in running a successful nation. This proves Shirley’s point stating that America should not donate, but instead take it a step further and teach them how to rebuild and grow their nation. As Americans and humans in general we all have a conscience, we all want to reach out and help when someone is in distress, or in Haiti’s case, millions of people. It is in our nature to do what we can to fix problems, the earthquake in Haiti being a huge problem attracted many Americans to give what they could; time, money, and donations. He opens the eyes of his readers to what really happens after a national disaster; the earthquake hit, “Our response: Make the same mistake again. Rebuild a doomed city, putting aside logic as we did.” (2). By stating this, Shirley is suggesting that we are rebuilding this city that was already in such a state of disarray that they were nearly hopeless before the quake even shook. Haiti is inevitably going to fall back into what they were already known as, one of the poorest nations in the world, if we do not take the time to teach them how to be successful. A different approach for relief effort made by Americans was to let Haitians come to the U.S. in hopes of finding better financial situations to support their families back home. This idea is explored negatively in the article published in USA Today, “Help Haitians; But Don’t Throw Open U.S. Boarders”. This article makes the claim that it hurts both countries to let Haitians come to America as part of the relief efforts, “For starters, inviting thousands to flee Haiti is no way to help Haiti rebuild. To the contrary, Haiti's survival depends on encouraging its best and brightest to remain and work on its revival.” (“Help Haitians; But Don’t Throw Open U.S. Boarders”, 2). USA Today suggests in this quote that if Haitians leave the country there is no point in the U.S. helping them rebuild because much of their country will be gone. Without intelligent and promising citizens, there will be no one to learn, to help, or to encourage their country to grow. Leading into the next point USA Today makes, an empty country means no one to teach, Haiti needs to learn how to be successful because even before the disaster struck they were in extreme distress and all aspects of their country were in mayhem. After the earthquake they were literally at rock bottom. This article suggests that they might as well start building up from nothing and succeed past what they once were into a much more thriving country. USA Today also claims it is unfair to let just Haitians into America, “As long as America is reaching out to those in need, what about citizens of other dirt-poor nations? Bangladesh, for example, has about 50,000 approved people with U.S. family connections waiting in line, too.” (3). There are so many other places in this world that could use the help America is solely focused on Haiti, even though they were struck by an enormous 7.0 quake, our country needs to extend fair relief to all who are suffering, especially considering Haiti was already in despair before the earthquake. “No, they haven't just suffered a horrific natural disaster. But millions in Bangladesh are routinely displaced by monsoons. It doesn't seem fair to make them wait while Haitians jump ahead.” (3) USA Today points out that there is always something going on in a poverty stricken country setting them back from growing. They argue that there should be fairer amounts of people of different third world nations let into America in seek of better life in order to find financial success. Both Paul Shirley and USA Today bring forth arguments suggesting negative views on giving aide to Haiti. They both explore claims that focus on specific types of relief efforts and give solutions or different outlooks on them. These texts seem to be extremely similar, however the difference between them does not lie in subject matter rather in the way it is presented. In Paul Shirley’s article, he uses an extremely forceful and harsh style when making his arguments. Whereas in comparison to the article published in USA Today uses a more formal and calm style making it easier for a reader to develop an opinion. When readers explore Shirley’s text it is difficult to come to a clear conclusion because his style is so harsh that it makes a reader want to disagree with him right on the spot, fogging up their opinions. Possibly blocking them from agreeing with his well-supported points. By reading the article from USA Today, Shirley’s texts and examples are extended and are made clear for a better understanding of points made. Shirley suggests teaching, not just throwing donations at them or doing all the work for the Haitians, but instead teaching them how to live and thrive successfully. Extending on this thought, USA Today points out that by letting Haitians leave the country to come to America, there will be no citizens left to be taught, therefore they should stay and learn to grow their country with a fresh start. Haitians need to learn how to fix their countries problems or they will never go away considering Americans cannot, as Shirley points out in his text, keep running to the rescue and saving them because then it will never end. It will continue to be a vicious cycle in which the Haitian people will forever be helpless and dependent on the U.S. relief efforts. Paul Shirley and USA Today wrote articles exploring the negative outcomes and potential problems with the American Haitian relief efforts in response to the recent 2010 earthquake that shook them to the ground, literally. While Shirley makes truthful and well thought out points, he does so in such a harsh manner that is could possibly turn off a reader and force them to lean the other way regardless if they actually agree or not.
USA Today extends Shirley’s ideas by not only explaining it in a more unbiased way as to create an open minded atmosphere in which the reader is able to develop their own opinion, but also further proving points made by giving new examples that go more in depth with proposed solutions. Both texts put forth good evidence as to expose the flaws in the U.S. relief process, and when looking at Shirley’s text with the knowledge of the article published in USA Today the examples and arguments become more clear and valid creating solid points regarding U.S. Haiti relations.
Works Cited 1. Goodley, Anthony. “Haiti Earthquake Facts.” “n.p.” 2010. Web. 6 November 2010. 2. “Help Haitians: But Don’t Throw Open U.S. Boarders.” “n.p.” 29 January 2010. Web. 3 November 2010. 3. Shirley, Paul. “If You Rebuild It, They Will Come.” “n.p.” 26 January 2010. Web. 3 November 2010.

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