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Submitted By melodiedeloach
Words 468
Pages 2
December 3, 2015
Melodie Deloach
Instructor: Prof. Sheffield
BIBL 103 Old Testament Studies

In what ways is the message of Amos relevant for the church today? For so-called secular society?
The book of Amos corresponds with exactly what is happening in our world today. Like America, that nation was considered blessed by some because of the prosperity they were experiencing. But as Christians, we know (like Amos) that God is displeased with the state our country is in. There are those of us who cry out like the prophets “Repent, for the end is near” but like the Israelites, most are not listening. Secular society today is focused on monetary gain, social status, and fame. Morals, compassion, and justice have taken a back seat. Love thy neighbor and common decency are no longer second nature to us. At one point in our history, I believe we truly tried to live up to the creed on the dollar bill “In God we Trust” but with the rise of technology, and all the new age religions rising up we have forgotten God. “We once extolled and defended our foundational laws based on God's Word, and Christianity was by choice our national religion. But in our lifetimes we have seen both our founding principles and God's Word assailed relentlessly and often forgotten. Humanism—exalting man over God—has risen as our new religion to replace Christianity” (Ritenbaugh). The bright light of all this (during Amos time and in our time now) is beautifully concluded in the fourth message of the prophet, specifically chapter 9, verses 11-15. These verses are definitely relevant to the church today, and to our interaction with secular society. In order to teach the word, one must know the word. HW states that the book of Amos (9:11-15) gives us models of Christian teaching for today. One particular model that stands out to me gives us “A doctrine of the church as a covenant

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