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An Analysis Of Paul's Letter To The Romans

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The Hook: Thank each person for coming to the Bible study, then hand out a paper plate with pencils and crayons. The next step is to have each student placed the paper plate on their head and have them write the word Romans without them looking. Then have them color and signed their names without looking, and after they finish doing this, have them take the plate from their heads and look at what they wrote and color. Tell them, this is what happens when we allow God to take charge of our lives. His Spirit enters and changes and rearranges their thought process and the way they use to do things. They will have no desire to go places they use to go, and sometimes they will lose some friends. Paul wrote this letter about A.D. 57 while he was in Corinth preparing to visit Rome. This letter emphasizes the foundation of the Christian faith. It gives clear everyday instruction for Christian beliefs and how they should behave in accordance with their faith. However, the mega theme specifies sin and rejecting to obey God’s will. More so, in order for us to receive salvation, we must be willing to obey …show more content…
Paul outlined how they should behave, and why they should give themselves to the Christ as a living sacrifice. He also spends a considerable amount of time telling the Romans about their personal responsibility to know the gospel and the transformation effect. In addition, they should obey the authority and help take care of those who are weak in their faith. Chapter twelve verse one to be sixteen tells the Romans the urgency of living their faith each day.
In Paul’s outline of chapter twelve, it tells of the urgency of us to God’s Mercy. In addition, offer our body as a living sacrifice and putting aside our own needs to follow him. Paul also warned the Christians not to conform to the world and their

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