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Analysis Of Harriet Jacobs Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

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Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an autobiography written by Harriet Jacobs to share what she experienced as a slave girl. Linda Brent, a pseudonym for Harriet Jacobs, undergoes several transitions due to unfavorable circumstances. However, Linda initially was not a common slave. She was the product of “Mulattoes” and was trusted upon them for safe keeping. Her father was reputable for the many skills he had and as a result lived a life that was above that of a common slave, one similar to a freeman. He although never had full custody of his children, no matter how much he intended to pay for them. Upon first revelations, the readers learn that following the death of her mother, six year-old Linda Brent is handed over to her mother’s …show more content…
She and her younger brother Willie were distraught and their misfortunes were made more apparent by a statement made by Willie. Willie, in reply to Linda who attempted to reassure him says, “You don’t know anything about it Linda, we shall have to stay here all our days; we shall never be free”. Linda Brent detests his belief arguing that one day they’ll be able to buy their freedom. Under the care of Dr. Flint, Willie and Linda are subject to the typical treatments slaves were given. For example, little to no attention was given to their meals, Mrs. Flint would often spit in the pots after the dishes were served to ensure the slaves didn’t try to pick at the left overs. As a result, Linda would go on visits to her grandmother, who would supply her with breakfast and dinner. Such care proves to what extent Linda Brent was neglected. Even worse, she was often threatened by Dr. Flint for her visits to her grandmother (Jacobs 12). Although these events occurred after the American Revolution slaves had not gained their independence and weren’t in position to take control of their lives, stripping them of liberty. This was the case of Linda Brent who prior to these experiences was accustom to being pampered by her past mistress care-takers. Being a slave, left Linda vulnerable to maltreatment and

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