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Analysis Of The Estimates Of Illness And Deaths At Valley Forge

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Valley Forge was a camp with very rough and miserable conditions where George Washington kept his soldiers in the winter. If I was a soldier at Valley Forge, I would quit those terrible conditions. Conforming to Estimates of Illness and Deaths at Valley Forge (Doc A), a large number of people that were staying at this camp got very ill or died. For instance, about 50% of the population at Valley Forge got very sick. Plus, more than 1,800 soldiers lost their lives. That’s horrible! Additionally, Common Sense (Doc C) states that the conditions at Valley Forge where dreadful. According to the text, Dr. Waldo says “Poor food-hard lodging-cold weather-fatigue-nasty clothes-nasty cookery-vomit half my time-smok'd out my senses-the Devil’s in’t-I

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