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Andrew Carnegie's Impact On American Society

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Andrew Carnegie was a business owner who led the expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century, and is remembered as one of the richest Americans of that time. He took on the role of a philanthropist for the United States and the British Empire. During the last 18 years of his life, he gave about $350 million away to charities, foundations, and universities. Carnegie was also remembered as the Father of Modern Philanthropy.
Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, and emigrated in 1848 to the United States with his parents. Carnegie started to work as a telegrapher, and by the 1860s, he had invested in railroads, railroad sleeping cars, bridges, and oil. Carnegie’s family decided to settle in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, a suburb where they had friends and family. Their ship landed in New York City, which he found overwhelming. Next, the family traveled west by canal and steamboat, arriving in Allegheny three weeks later which would take six hours by car today. They moved in above a member of the family’s weaving shop, which his father took over, but the business failed, putting the family once again in need of money.
When Andrew was 13, Carnegie worked from …show more content…
Carnegie Steel made the construction of railroads and other machines for transportation of goods, services and people easier, the conditions in his factories also led to some of the most memorable strikes in history. In 1892, workers went on strike against wage decreases and unsafe work conditions, which included the use of long wool underwear as protective gear. Many deaths and serious injuries occurred as a result of poor factory conditions. Carnegie also contributed to the promotion of education in the United States. He gave away most of his wealth, over $350 million, to libraries and charitable organizations. The libraries that were built made knowledge accessible to more

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