Premium Essay

Animal's Wellfare


Submitted By RN2016
Words 891
Pages 4
PHI 2010: Final Draft.
Miami Dade College

Reduce Animal Cruelty by increasing vegan products

I will demonstrate my argument on this research paper mainly about animal’s cruelty in factory farms, which is raising concerns about our environment and health. Many people are becoming vegetarian; some of them because of maintaining a healthy diet but others are against bad treatment and suffering of animals before they are killed. Today’s human society has become less sensitive to animals’ rights and their welfare by producing millions of factory farms to increase meat production as well as poultry and dairy based products. Factory farmers only care about their wealth and high numbers of sales, no matter the quality of our food or health issues while consuming meat full of antibiotics and hormones.
Some researches have shown; 47 billion animals are killed in food production, plus many more died during transport in overcrowded trucks. Moreover, these animal’s rights are slaughter when they are not longer productive, being thrown into plastic bags to slowly suffocate or to feed other animal while they are still alive. It is said, that during food production piglet, cows or chicken suffer needless mutations. Producing discomfort, stress and pain to these animals []
Then, scientists have linked these issues to problems with our food quality and safety. An increased number of people are adjusting their eating habits to reduce meat and other animals from their diets. For example, the market for vegetarian food products grew from $646 million in 1998 to 1.6 billion in 2003. By reducing the factory farms, and increasing vegetables growth will significantly improve our health as well as our environment.

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