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Annulment and Divorce


Submitted By rammandil
Words 255
Pages 2
•Notwithstanding that marriage is null and void under section 11, any child of such marriage who would have been legitimate if the marriage had been valid, shall be legitimate, whether such child is born before or after the commencement of the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act, 1976 (68 of 1976), and whether or not a decree of nullity is granted in respect of that marriage under this Act and whether or not the marriage is held to be void otherwise than on a petition under this Act.
•Where a decree of nullity is granted in respect of a voidable marriage under section 12, any child begotten or conceived before the decree is made, who would have been the legitimate child of the parties to the marriage if at the date of the decree it had been dissolved instead of being annulled, shall be deemed to be their legitimate child notwithstanding the decree of nullity.
•Nothing contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be construed as conferring upon any child of a marriage which is null and void or which is annulled by a decree of nullity under section 12, any rights in or to the property of any person, other than the parents, in any case where, but for the passing of this Act, such child would have been incapable of possessing or acquiring any such rights by reason of his not being the legitimate child of his parents.

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...ding politicians ang pro divorce. Ito ay mas mura kumpara sa annulment at legal separation. Filipinas lamang ang hindi nagpapatupad ng diborsyo sapagkat ang ating simbahan ay tutol dito. Lahat ng bansa kasama na ang ibang Catholic countries sa mundo tulad ng Spain, Poland at Mexico ay pinapayagan ang diborsyo. Oo tinututulan ito ng simbahan, ngunit ang ating bansa ay binibigyang pansin ang mga mag-asawang gustong mamuhay sa buhay na gusto nila (Wallace, 2013). Magiging benepisyo ito sa mga battered wives, mag-asawang hindi masaya sa kanilang pagsasama at sa kanilang mga anak. Ang diborsyo ay hindi pa legal sa Filipinas ngunit ang legal separation at annulment ay pinapayagan. Sa legal separation, ang asawa ay maaaring humiwalay ng tirahan ngunit kasal pa din sila. Dito ang mga mag-asawang ayaw magdivorce o diborsyo. Maaari rin nilang makuha bilang benepisyo ang child support, child custody at ang paghahati ng ari-arian. Makakamit lamang ito kung mayroon nang pagtataksil, homosekswalidad, paulit-ulit na pananakit, pagbabanta sa buhay ng asawa at pag-iwan sa pamilya ng walang rason ng mahigit sa 1 taon. Sa kabilang banda, ang annulment naman ay maaaring makamit kung mapapatunayan na ang kasal ay hindi valid mula umpisa ayon sa ilang bagay tulad ng kawalan ng kakayahan, homosekswalidad, maling pagkakakilanlan o wala sa tamang kaisipan. Karamihan sa basehan ay mahirap mapatunayan at kumakailangan ng malaking halaga para maisakatuparan. Ang inihahaing divorce law ay binibigyang kalayaan...

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