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Submitted By SwagMaster0815
Words 340
Pages 2
Antimatter=Real? Antimatter! Real? True fact! Antimatter is not fictional. It’s one of those things that we’re really unsure about what it can do. Antimatter may lead mankind to new inventions ranging from teleportation, a new power source or maybe even the cure to cancer. Scientists have just scratched the surface of the abilities of antimatter.
First of all, Antimatter is not fake (NASA 1). “Paul Dirac predicted the existence of antimatter in 1931” (Hooper 8). So what is antimatter? “Antimatter is matter with its electrical charge reversed”(NASA 5). An electrical charge is a property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically charged matter produces and also is influenced by electromagnetic fields. Antimatter is made of essentially of antiprotons, which is a normal proton with the electrical and magnetic charge reversed. Antimatter is affected by gravity. (NASA 2). Additionally when “antimatter and normal matter collide they release energy” (NASA 5). To make antimatter, scientists must get a high velocity electron , at the speed of 96% of the speed of light, and then throw it at something, preferably with a high atomic number. After a complicated reaction, scientists either get a pion (subatomic particle) or antimatter! This cost 25 billion kWh (kilowatt-hour ) to make just one single gram. Even though the cost is massive, there is a possibility that antimatter can be used to exam or cure patients in the hospitals (NASA 3). Antimatter can be applied in neuroimaging, oncology, and infectious diseases, etc. Antimatter is still one big mystery.
In conclusion, antimatter is real. It can be used in many good ways, such as health care and generators for electricity, or in bad ways, such as antimatter bombs. Antimatter might be the answer to lots of problems in this world. Scientists still have have do a lot more

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