Premium Essay

Ap English


Submitted By jsmooth88
Words 435
Pages 2
Avery Rollé
Cell Structure Angel Assignment
BIOL 110; Mahan 1. The first component is that all living things are made of cells. The second is that the cell is the most basic unit of life. The third is that all cells arise from pre-existing, living cells. 2. The plasma membrane consists of both lipids and proteins. The fundamental structure of the membrane is the phospholipid bilayer, which forms a stable barrier between two aqueous compartments. 3. It helps to form the shape of the cell. It also allows materials to enter and leave the cell. Lastly, it protects the cell. 4. Prokaryotic cells reproduce/divide by binary fission and eukaryotic cells reproduce/divide by mitosis/meiosis. 5. The main function of ribosomes is as the site of mRNA translation; once the two subunits are joined by the mRNA from the nucleus, the ribosome translates mRNA into a specific sequence of amino acids. They are not membrane enclosed. Ribosomes are basically strands of RNA. A membrane would only obstruct its function. 6. It controls all the activities within the cell by regulation the gene expression which is one of the main function of the nucleus. These activities include metabolism, growth and reproduction. 7. There are two phospholipid bilayers that are present in the nuclear envelope. They are the inner and outer phospholipid bilayers. Nuclear envelope are also referred to as karyotheca, nucleolemma or nuclear membrane. 8. The endomembrane system consists of the nuclear envelope, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and several vesicles. This system compartmentalizes the cell so that particular enzymatic reactions are restricted to specific regions. 9. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with protein-producing ribosomes giving it a "rough" appearance, hence its name. It works in concert with the Golgi complex to target new proteins

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