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Are Humans Biologically Predisposed to Be Violent?


Submitted By mungai
Words 988
Pages 4
Are Humans Biologically Predisposed to be Violent?



Are Humans Biologically Predisposed to be Violent?


Violence has become a serious concern in this century. Close to 1.6 million people die from violence-related crimes. Thus, prevention of cruelty has prompted serious attention (Krug et al., 2002). Psychologists aimed at finding the causes and methods of intervention have carried several researches. These studies have shown different results. While some have associated violence with genetic makeup, others have dissociated the role of genes. Studies were disputing the role of genes with violence hold that cruelty is prompted by social factors such as child abuse, poverty, and unemployment. This paper holds that humans are biologically predisposed to be violent.

Two natural constants support that violence is a predisposition of biology. First, men have been found to be most likely to be violent than women. For instance, men commit 85% of all violent-related crimes in the US. Secondly, young people are more predisposed than aged people are. The effects of biological makeup in stimulating violence have been conducted in animals and human beings (Miczek et al., 1994). Consequently, four theories have revealed that humans are biologically predisposed to be violent. These include the evolution theory, biosocial theory, and the intensity of hormones. Moreover, brain functioning or dysfunction is a biological cause of aggression. All these factors are dependent. Furthermore, these aspects have been found to be intertwined with social factors.

Evolution theory holds that violence is contributed by people’s wishes to optimize their reproductive means by having more resources or accessing mates. In other words, human beings have evolved by making sure that their children inherit their genetic makeup after

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