Premium Essay

Argument with Classes


Submitted By HighSpeedNuke
Words 658
Pages 3
I would like to invite you to join me in analyzing how a group of people believe they know better than all the rest that are in the world. We will discuss the worthiness of this assignment to see if it holds up to something we need. I believe this assignment is something to waste our time and is not needed for me to complete my life and was put here to drain my hard earned money.
This is hopefully going to show course creators that students and teachers have a voice and need to be heard. We have people who make up the courses we need for the degree we are going to and they themselves have no idea what it entails to be one of us. They have there degree in what ever field they have done and want to sit back and enjoy the money students pay enrolling in classes that will not benefit them in there job or life after graduation. I am enlisting the help of everyone in the world who has attended or want to attend a college of there choice in helping me cut cost and get a better education.
The purpose of us binding together and you reading this article is the hope we can make a change for the future. We need to get them to quit slapping us with bills for classes that will do nothing for us in the long or short term of our life. If they could show us or anyone could say the classes we took that we believe have a reason to be there I would gladly have you tell us how it has helped you in the field you are in and show us that we are all mistaken. I hope to show curriculum designers the error of their ways so they will give us more class on what we need to succeed in life and not pointless classes that will do nothing for us.
We are having to do english, math and physics classes that we will never use. If your path in life takes you into them then more power to you. The parts of this we are going to use for the remainder of our lives for our profession could

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