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Arma International


Submitted By dnordmarken
Words 1859
Pages 8
ARMA International is a not-for-profit professional association and the authority on managing records and information – paper and electronic. ARMA offers invaluable resources such as * Legislative and regulatory updates * Standards and best practices * Technology trends and applications * Live and Web-based education * Marketplace news and analysis * Books & videos on managing records and information * Global network of 10,000+ records and information management professionals * About ARMA Video (Windows Media Player)

The association was established in 1955. Its approximately 11,000 members include records managers, archivists, corporate librarians, imaging specialists, legal professionals, IT managers, consultants, and educators, all of whom work in a wide variety of industries, including government, legal, healthcare, financial services, and petroleum in the United States, Canada, and 30-plus other countries.
ARMA International publishes Information Management (IM) magazine, the only professional journal specifically for professionals who manage records and information on a daily basis. The award-winning IMjournal is published bi-monthly and features top-drawer articles on the hottest topics in records and information management today, as well as marketplace news and analysis.
The association also develops and publishes standards and guidelines related to records management. It was a key contributor to the international records management standard, ISO-15489.
What does ARMA stand for?
Originally, ARMA was the acronym for the Association of Records Managers and Administrators. Over the past several years, however, we have seen a broadening of the profession as records management has become a recognized and integral part of information management which is key to doing business. To reflect the changing environment and this

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