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Assesments for Ell


Submitted By beatit25
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Knapp (Alignment of Standards)succeed within the classroom. Educators can assess how students are doing by giving thestudent’s a variety of assessment methods making sure to differentiate their instruction in thecontent areas of reading, writing, and listening and speaking so that the diverse needs of everylearner is meet. Overall, the simplest way to look view this whole idea is to remember thestandards-based instruction begins by identifying the relevant standards and planning instruction,then deliver the instructions and finally evaluate whether the instruction has been masteredaccording to the standards (Hinkel, 2005).Along with the comprehensive ELP Standards that Oregon has developed it has also provided detailed proficiency levels. These grade-by-grade standards were developed to helpteachers move LEP students to full fluency in English and to proficiency on the Oregon English-Language Arts (ELA) Standards (ODE, 2011). The state of Oregon has implemented thisrefinement because they believe that it is needed so teachers can better assess the progress of their students. The proficiency levels addressed are levels 1-5. A student at level one isconsidered beginning and just starting out with English, while a level 5 is a student who isconsidered advanced and is ready to be exited from the ELL program. What I like about thisleveling system is that it gives the teachers an idea of where to start differentiating a student’sinstruction of curriculum. LEP students working at the Advanced proficiency level on the ELPStandards are to demonstrate proficiency on all standards detailed in levels 1-5 along with allOregon ELA standards for the grades in which they are enrolled (ODE, 2011). LEP studentsworking at the Intermediate proficiency level of these ELP Standards should demonstrate proficiency on the ELP standards for all prior grades (ODE, 2011).Another source that can be used as a tool to drive the standards-based instruction is theEnglish Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) that the state of Oregon gives to its ELLs onan annual basis. This assessment is great in that it is useful for determining which content area4

Knapp (Alignment of Standards)standards are in greater need of attention. The ELPA assessment assess in the content areas of math, reading and literature, science, social studies, and writing. From the ELPA assessmentscores it can be determined whether an ELLs is deficient in their English skills in each of thecontent areas in which he or she scores low. This will give an educator a heads up in whichstandards the student needs to have more of an intensified instruction within.Teachers get a variety of helpful teaching strategies that can be used to help them better plan their lessons and instruction so that they can provide not only high expectations and themotivation needed to tailor instruction to meet the needs of their diverse learners, but these newstrategies will also give the educator the confidence needed to be successful themselves ingetting those students to meet those standards. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol(SIOP) Model was developed to facilitate high quality instruction for ELLs in content areateaching (SIOP Institute, 2008). It is used in hundreds of schools across the U.S. as well as inseveral other countries. The new push in Oregon is to get teachers the training needed in order to provide those high expectations and instruction needed so that their diverse learners can meetthose standards. To do this Oregon has been offering Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol(SIOP) professional development classes to better prepare educators for today’s demands of teaching ELLs. SIOP is great in that it is not another program that needs to be implemented or learned, but rather it is just a “tool box” full of ideas to better support ELLs in a classroom.In conclusion, although high stakes testing carries much weight, for educators there are possibilities to meet federal and state regulations by cautiously and consciously planning lessonsthat provide students with multiple opportunities to be successful and apply language in contentcontext (GCU, 2011). In order to do this educators need to become better prepared at instructingand aligning their state’s standards with the ELP standards within their lessons so that allstudents are given a chance to succeed and apply their language skills to the subject matter at5

Knapp (Alignment of Standards)hand or be learned. The more opportunities a teacher provides his or her students, the morelikely they will experience success and be successful in their future endeavors in life.ReferencesArizona Department of Education (ADE). (2007). Retrieved May 10, 2011 from, 6

Knapp (Alignment of Standards)Grand Canyon University. (2011). English Language Teaching Methods. Module four lecturenotes. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from, E. (2005). Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning:Routledge, 2005. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from, Department of Education (ODE). (2010). Retrieved May 11, 2011, from page=3&TopicRelationID=1696&ContentID=72&Content=88482Oregon Department of Education (ODE). (2011). Retrieved May 2, 2011, from Department of Education (ODE). (2011). Retrieved May 11, 2011 from, SIOP Institute. (2008). Retrieved May 9, 2011 from,

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