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Atheism and Religion


Submitted By drunkenmonkey
Words 477
Pages 2
Beliefs: Atheism and Religion
Melissa Romano
November 24, 2014
Michael Myers

Beliefs: Atheism and Religion
When I was presented with this assignment, I had no idea what opinion I would use to write about. While discussions in class this week about Darwinism, religion, and the creation of life, I started to question some of my beliefs. I was raised an atheist, by my father, and have been my whole life. However, I felt doing some research would benefit me, not only for critical thinking, but for my personal growth. Even though Atheists have plenty to attack religion, the debate between atheists and religious people is over a futile book, not over a so-called god. Disputes are not about a god (if any), they are about the "god" of the bible (or other religious books). Most religious people that say they believe in god are meaning they believe in the bible.
One of the websites I chose to use was the Huffington Post, which is historical proclaimed as a credible source, according to my last class. In an article written by Frank Schaeffer (2014), he states that:
“The whole "debate" between faith and reason misses the point. It is a debate between the track record of what religious believers have done in the name of stupid religions and what science has done in the name of stupid certainties." The quote made sense to me in a general sense. Another reference that Mr. Schaeffer (2014) made was that Christians say they believe in “god” when it is the bible they believe in. However, I found many websites stating errors within the bible, some of which I found very interesting. For example, many sites reference the rabbit and hare as being those that chew the cud and the hare having a hoof. Which, of course, is not the case (Matthews, 2014). Although, I thoroughly do not think any religion right, I do believe that there are good people and bad people

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