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Athena's Three Virgin Goddesses

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Athena's father was the god Zeus, the leader of the Olympians, and her mother was a Titan named Metis. Although Zeus was married to Metis, he feared her power. One day he heard a prophecy that one of his children would take his throne. He promptly swallowed Metis and considered the problem solved.
However, Zeus never knew that Metis was pregnant with Athena. She birthed Athena inside of Zeus and made her a helmet, shield, and spear. Soon, Zeus was afflicted with deadly headaches and he ran to Hephaestus, the Greek god of blacksmiths, sculptors, metallurgy, fire, and volcanoes, and begged him to open his head. Hephaestus did as he was told, and out came Athena, dressed in her armor and prepared to fight a battle.
Like all the Olympians, Athena was an immortal goddess and could not die. She was the most intelligent, resourceful, and wise of all the Greek gods. She was also …show more content…
Athena was often associated with being the ruler of Athens. To win the patronage of Athens, she engaged in a contest with Poseidon. Poseidon gave the city a salt-water spring, and Athena gave them the first olive tree, which the people of the city could have olive and their oil for consumption and trade. She gained the king's favor with this gift, thus winning the competition and becoming patron of the city.
The 5th century BCE temple of the Parthenon was built in her honor. Her adopted son, Erichthonius, one of the first kings of Athens, is traditionally credited with introducing the Panathenaic festival, held every four years to honor the goddess. The festival included a parade through the city, the presentation of a specially woven peplos to Athena, and athletic games. Prizes for the games were amphora painted with a figure of Athena and contained prime olive

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