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Atlanta Based Learning


Submitted By cameron22
Words 355
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GSU 1010
7 December 2015 As a child, I luckily had the privilege to be supported both educationally and financially throughout my life. I was put into the best schools, I always had nice clothes, and there was never a night that I went to bed without having a full meal and a warm bed to sleep in that night. The reason I chose to work with Big Bethel Academy Saturday School was simply for reasons above but in the complete opposite context.
The children that we worked with were underprivileged kids aging from 6 – 10 years old. I along with other peers of mine were responsible for tutoring the children in certain subject areas (e.g. math, reading, and social skills). What I took from this experience was much more than telling a child how to read and simply add two numbers together. This experience had changed my life forever, as it has taught me to always appreciate what I do have because there are plenty others out there who could only dream to live the way I do. I cannot begin to imagine how at such an adolescent age as 6 years old how it feels to go to bed hungry or to go to sleep in a cold bed that’s not even theirs. While shocking to some though but not to me was that these were by far the happiest children I have ever seen in my life. They have no idea what their circumstances are, and all they wanted was love and attention. It’s amazing how just showing someone that you care about them even in the slightest of ways can completely affect their entire mood. When those kids left, they went back to their normal, unfortunate lives, but it was extremely satisfying to think that for a few hours they didn’t have to think about what they were going to eat. They didn’t have to wonder about if anybody cared about them. This was the most satisfying part of this entire experience. Those kids changed my life and I can only pray that I helped changed theirs as well.

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