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Attention Deficit Disorder


Submitted By terrycake
Words 2568
Pages 11

Attention Deficit Disorder:
Alternatives to Stimulant Medication
Eng 215

Today, millions of children are taking stimulant medications for ADHD. Most of these children are being medicated without even receiving a proper diagnosis. While on these medications, children experience harmful side effects. Some children have died from complications related to the medication. The list of symptoms for ADHD reads like a list of bad behavior not a medical condition that warrants medication. Parents are outsourcing their parental responsibilities to pharmaceutical companies. Alternative treatments are available and have been proven effective.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Alternative Treatments According to the 1994, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., (DSM-IV) Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a disruptive behavior disorder characterized by the presence of a set of chronic and impairing behavior patterns that display abnormal levels of inattention, hyperactivity, or their combination. (as cited at ADHD is mostly diagnosed in children and adolescents. (DEA, 1995) ADHD is not a disease but yet most children diagnosed as having ADHD are treated with medication. The standard ADHD diagnosis is divided into three types: Inattentive type, hyperactive type, and hyperactive-impulsive type. The inattentive type includes symptoms such as difficulties listening, paying attention, completing tasks, organizing, and remembering. When only signs of inattention are present, sufferers are usually referred to as simply having ADD. The hyperactive type includes symptoms such as squirming and fidgeting even when seated, running excessively, talking excessively, and

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