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Avoiding Drug Abuse


Submitted By mmonie33
Words 661
Pages 3
Rishi Ramnath
Composition 1 English 1301
26 November 2013
Avoiding Drug Abuse
Life…it is a journey that we all have to face. Everyone’s experience is different, but we all share the trials and tribulations that come with it. We are all faced with the option to make decisions in our lives, and these decisions will affect our everyday life. Peer pressure, especially as a young adult is a part of growing up. Many things are around us, peer pressure for sex, for drugs, for gangs, and we are faced with making decisions to go along with it or to avoid it. The problem lies with how serious the issue is, and how parents and adults do not see it that way. Drugs are made in the kitchen of homes, they are grown in the backyard of homes, and are even considered legal in some states. Something so easy to obtain makes it even that much easy to distribute. Where else would not be more perfect than in our schools, in our neighborhoods? Young teens get caught up in the hype of drug use, and drug sales. The power that comes with selling drugs draws young teens in. Along with the power comes the popularity, everyone knows who you are, and everyone wants to be your so called “friend”. This is how it all starts, and the drug dealers know exactly who to look for, the unpopular, and the weak minded, they draw them in with the promise of a extraordinary life, and they jump right in.
Alcohol is also a great concern. Like drugs it is easy to get, and it makes you feel good. In today’s society, having a few drinks, getting a little drunk, those are things that young teens do. You get to college, you have parties, and it always includes alcohol. Sometimes the adults are the ones that supply the alcohol without even knowing it. You buy some beer, put it in your fridge and the next thing you know, your teenagers are drinking it late at night while you are gone. We as parents give our

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