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Baby Boomers Core Values

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Pages 2
Person 1: Silent Generation
Core Values:
• Adhere to rules
• Conformers/Conformity
• Discipline
• Don’t question authority
• Loyalty
• Committed to company
• Competent
• Confident
• Conservative Dedication
Work Ethic:
• Dedicated
• Pay your dues
• Work hard
• Respect Authority
• Hard work
• Age=seniority
View on Work/Life Balance:
• Work hard to maintain job security
What They Are Looking For In a Job:
• Recognition and respect for their experience
• Value placed on history/traditions
• Job security and stability
• Company with good reputation and ethics
• Clearly defined rules/policies

Person 2: Baby boomers
Core values:
• Anti government
• Anything is possible
• Equal rights
• Equal opportunities
• Extremely

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