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Baptist Hospital


Submitted By Mern
Words 654
Pages 3
Baptist Hospital Baptist Hospital was founded in 1956 and has a physical appearance that favors a resort with palm trees and lakes. It is on a 70 acre campus and treats more patients than any other private hospital in the Miami area. It has a reputation for high-quality care. Baptist Hospital has 2,200 employees and treats 20,000 patients a year plus an additional 50,000 patients receive treatment in the Emergency Room. In fact, they have to turn patients away because they are so busy. It is a very stressful place to work but, Baptist Hospital is ranked as one of the best companies to be employed. It was named as one of the 100 best companies to work for in America and has received the Employer of the Year Award from the Florida Nurses Association for four of the past five years. This is based on the pay, benefits, job security, opportunities for promotion, openness and fairness and friendliness. They maintain a very low turnover rate for nurses. The employees of Baptist Hospital may have very stressful jobs but they take pride in their work. Baptist Hospital promotes from within and employees and encouraged and supported to advance. Employees are given generous benefits that include generous salaries, free parking, a car wash, dry cleaning and half price tickets to local movie theater. Retirees have the benefit of keeping an ID card which will allow them to eat in the dining area and get employee discounts at the pharmacy. Another advantage is that it offers childcare and has since 1963. The childcare center is open from 6:30 a.m. until midnight, seven days a week. Parents are allowed to visit with their children during lunch breaks. Moreover, it has “Work and Watch” which allows parents to take sick children to the pediatric ward. The cost for this program is minimal as it is $1.25 an hour for children enrolled in the childcare program and $2.50 an hour for children who are not enrolled in the childcare program. Baptist Hospital has a record for letting both their patients and employees know they care about them and their families. New employees receive four hours guest relations training as they have the goal of making patients feel like they are in a five star resort. This is followed up with a two and a half hour refresher course after one year. Examples of this for employees are their annual “Less Stress Contest”, monthly “monotony breaker day”, Family Fun Night and birthday celebrations. The annual “Less Stress Contest” rewards employees for creating stress-relieving programs. Every month they celebrate an event with special menus and entertainment. Free Disney movies and popcorn are available on Family Fun Night. Every employee’s birthday is celebrated by giving them two free movie tickets and card from the hospital’s president. They also set up weekend trips to Disney World, Epcot and Universal Studios. Meetings usually include several jokes. They have an annual picnic, recognized the “GREAT employee of the quarter” with a $250 check and parking space of their choice for a year. The Pineapple Award is instant recognition of employees by coworkers for doing a good job.
Moreover, after Hurricane Andrew about half of the employees lost their homes. Over 50 employees and their families lived in the hospital for weeks. In addition, more families lives in campers on the hospital campus. The hospital provided them with ice, food, and clothing. Additionally the hospital raised over a half million dollars to help their employees financially.
I would enjoy working at Baptist Hospital for many reasons: the employees take pride in their work, the low employee turnover rate, the care they give their employees and their families which extend after retirement and the childcare. The campus is beautiful and has a relaxing appearance even though the work is stressful. Other employer’s need to model Baptist Hospital.

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