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Beautiful and Gracefully Age


Submitted By mariag56
Words 1593
Pages 7
Maria Garcia
Mrs. Ripple
English Comp. 1 TH 6-9
20 October, 2011 Some Scars May Never Heal “I don’t know what it is to be a kid.” Beautiful and gracefully aged, my Aunt Juana is self educated and learned to work hard at a young age. Appearances are deceiving in my aunt’s case. Of the Mexicans that grew up in the 50’s many of them didn’t have a chance to live a normal childhood. Like other kids from that time, my Aunt Juana had to work on the farm ever since she could remember. It was sad, lonely, and traumatizing growing up on the farm. “There was never time to play,” she told me. She believes that her dad had kids merely to work on the farm and not to love. “I felt like a worker and not a daughter.” Sitting in my Aunt Juana’s living room, we were talking about my grandparents’ upcoming 50th anniversary party, and how my dad was stressed trying to organize the party. As Aunt Juana ate a roasted corn she patiently peeled each kernel with her hand, she reminisced about when she was a child and what it was to grow up on the farm. Aunt Juana had to be up by dawn every morning. One of her duties was to feed all the animals they had around the house which included pigs, chickens, sheep and the cows that were kept close by to milk. After all the animals were fed, she then would help her mom milk the cows. Her duty was to hold the baby calf by the rope while my grandma milked the cow and no matter how blistered her hands would get from the thick rope, she knew better than to complain, or worse yet to let go of the rope. Fresh milk for breakfast was a must have, no matter what day it was. My grandpa, a strict perfectionist expected the best in everything; meaning his food had to be fresh at all times. Breakfast practically had to be inhaled so they could get back to work. If my aunt and her siblings didn’t eat fast enough, then they would go without food

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