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Beh 225 Pavlov


Submitted By hylertl1279
Words 460
Pages 2
In psychology, two important behavior concepts that are taught are classical and operant conditioning. Operant conditioning, invented by B.F. Skinner, (or instrumental conditioning) is a type of learning that is modified by consequences of an individual’s behavior. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs establishing associations between different events. Both of these types of conditioning are used to treat phobias. Some say that they both also treat nightmares, obsessions, depression, compulsions, anorexia and anxiety. Both techniques are used by cognitive behavior therapist. An inheritance of a behavior is a result of both types of conditioning. To illustrate classical conditioning, Pavlov used dogs in his famous analysis. When doing this experiment, Pavlov measured the dogs salivary secretions by presenting the dog with food which showed the existence of the unconditioned response. The food was the unconditioned stimulus and caused an uncontrollable response when presented alone because of the salivation of the dog. Extinction is the existence of the unconditioned response by presenting a dog with a bowl of food and the measuring its salivary secretions. Extinction also occurs in operant conditioning. Operant conditioning’s goal is reinforcement. Reinforcement is any event that increases the chances that a response will occur again. In operant conditioning, extinction occurs if reinforcement is withheld. Also involved in conditioning is a factor called spontaneous recovery. This is the return of a learned response after apparent extinction. An example of spontaneous recovery is the fact that the bell was not heard for a few years by Pavlov’s dogs but hearing it later made them drool. With operant conditioning, an animal’s reinforcement was stopped after they are conditioned to behave in a certain way, that animal could react at a

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